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glueman 'Occupy English Folk Music!' (608* d) RE: 'Occupy English Folk Music!' 09 Nov 11

Your post is contradictory Richard. It seems you're promoting 'do as thou wilt so long as you don't call it folk music'. I'd like to know once again, what new material has entered the tradition, to the satisfaction of 1954 taxonomists and traditional singers, that fits all the criteria of the definition. Because so far as I can tell there isn't any. There's stuff that sounds traditional but and there's material that meets the criterion (footie chants, playground songs, comedy settings, etc) but I see no evidence of the continued transmission of song 1954 suggests.

I appreciate I sound like a stuck record but it's important that definitions represent what they seem to, especially when they're wielded with such confidence. And if they don't, and 1954 can show no reasonably modern songs to set against the mass of antique material, one can only conclude that the definition in this aspect at least, is thoroughly flawed.

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