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GUEST,Mick Lyr Req/Add: Friends of Mine+Play One More (Tyson) (15) RE: Lyr Req/Add: Friends of Mine+Play One More (Tyson) 12 Oct 12

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These Friends of Mine                                  Ian Tyson

               Strum:du du                du       du   du du   du
                   C                     C7             F
These friends of mine we shared some good times to gether

             du       du   du du       du    du   du
             Dm                         G
Days of    sunshine          days of rain

             du du         du du             du   du   du
            C             C7                  F
The many jobs the many towns we worked and never

               du    du    du du       du          du
             Dm         Dm7          G
Cared if    we saw the same towns   again

du       du du             du du    du   du   du
          C                  C7         F
Then one day we weren't as young as before

du    du            du       du du    du du   du du   du
       C                      Em         Dm      G7
Our mistakes weren't quite so easy to un do

du    du       du       du    du          du   du   du
       C                  C7                  F
But by all those roads my friends we traveled down

       du    du      du       du      du   du du du
             C                F       G    C
I'm a better man for just the knowin' of   you

These friends of mine they never cared about tomorrow
It was too early in the game
They'd stay awhile until the day they'd get to wondering
If the far side of the hill looked the same
And they settled down somewhere along the way
And some went wrong as some men do
But by all those roads my friends we traveled down
I'm a better man for just the knowin' of you

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