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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Mooh Prince William and Kate expecting a baby (180* d) RE: Prince William and Kate expecting a baby 08 Dec 12

Without even considering the tragic decision of someone to take her own life, a prank call to interrupt front line health care workers just seems stupid and irresponsible to me. Hospitals have better things to do than answer prank calls. It's bad enough that society seems to think it's okay to interrupt just anyone's life with needless and irritating phone calls, but to distract health care workers in their important work is dumb. This isn't Bart Simpson calling the local pub, this is a radio show trying to get a laugh out of harassing and victimizing a hospital and its workers. This is an otherwise legitimate business (radio station) lacking judgement, behaving like a juvenile bully, then excusing itself.

When was it ever okay to make prank calls, especially to a hospital?

Peace, Mooh.

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