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Mooh Prince William and Kate expecting a baby (180* d) RE: Prince William and Kate expecting a baby 08 Dec 12

So a nurse goes to work one day to do her selfless helpful duty to society and by the end of her shift she's internationally known as "that nurse" who is ridiculed, objectified, and stigmatized by her own and other societies around the world. By virtue of the fact that the media sensationalized the story she'd be forever unable to shake the image.

I bet when she decided to become a nurse, none of this was in her mind. Exposure to all manner of illness and human failings, yes. Bullied by foreign hooligans, no.

My bet is she made the decision to leave this life at a very low moment, decidedly not of her making. She was praised as a good nurse. It's a shame the world will have one less good nurse when we need many more.

Peace, Mooh.

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