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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Wavestar BS: Rejection of Revocation of Independence (67* d) RE: BS: Rejection of Revocation of Independence 30 Nov 00

Sadly, Grab, I don't think British people are any healthier than Americans, and I DO live here. I think it has to do with eating chips and everything fried, constantly. Not that I object to all the pastry, I love it, but it's not good for you. On average, there are healthier people at home in Vermont than here in St Andrews. And you really ought to do something to improve the overall dental hygiene of the country.

Football - I don't follow, I wouldn't really know. But I firmly stand behind this when I say I would have no preference, between football players and rugby players, as to whom I'd rather not have angry with me in a dark alley. To be honest, I think they are likely in equally good shape, it's just that rugby players don't mind havng their ears torn off. And, I think, from what I've seen, American football players are bigger. Not fat, mind you, just plain huge men. African American athletes tend to be...


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