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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Peter BS: Christian Persecution (2040* d) RE: BS: Christian Persecution 04 Nov 13

Let us all take one step back guys. Yes we would all like to see harmony and a multicultural society, but I fear it is never going to happen. Britain has become a powder keg over the past decade. Extremists on both sides are using the issues of immigration and the right to practice their faith for their own agenda.

No one seems to want to face the truth about what is happening in the UK today. UKIP seem to be making remarkable advances in any region they stand, which is a reflection of feeling. The current coalition government are responding by hijacking UKIP polices.

Britain is in a mess, hospitals and schools simply can't cope with the numbers coming in from Eastern European countries let alone anywhere else. Bulgarian and Romanian newspapers are currently advising people what benefits to claim for once they arrive in the UK in 2014.

We can't bury our heads in the sand, immigration is a problem in the UK and will continue to be so until the government face up to the problem and introduce stringent measures such as not allowing immigrants the right to claim benefits and blocking them from obtaining housing benefit.

Did you ever watch an old Black and white British film set in the 1940's, a time of pride in our culture, heritage and tradition, not you are also afraid to mention your pride to be British in case some old hippy or radical accuses you of being racist or xenophobic, oh how the love these words.

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