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OlgaJ 2014 Moira Furnace Folk Festival (51* d) RE: 2014 Moira Furnace Folk Festival 05 Nov 13

Don't think there is anything bland, mediocre, tedious or anything else dodgy about Moira Furnace FF. If you have ever had anything to do with organising this sort of event you will know that you need a pretty good up-front idea of what the take-up is likely to be unless you have an excess of your own resources you can afford to lose! Early bird tickets are a good way of predicting what the final take-up might be (nothing is ever guaranteed)and regular supporters get a bit of a loyalty bonus by booking early, though this option is open to everyone who wants to take advantage of it. The fact that this year they have Blackbeard's Tea Party + Lucy Ward + the Sunday evening special event means the uptake (early booking or late) is going to be good anyway so getting in early could be a good move, bearing in mind that the festival has sold out in the past. We have supported MFFF both as performers, stewards and committee members ever since the start and will continue to support it as long as it goes on. Long live Moira!

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