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Betsy BBC Folk Awards 2014 (216* d) RE: BBC Folk Awards 20 Feb 14

I can't fault Will Fly in all of his observations with the exception of Marc Chagall. All I know of that person is that as a painter, apparently he's often copied rather badly.
For the rest of it - best Folk singer - not one Male nomination - and overall - the only person who seems to gigging at a place near you was Martin Simpson.
Who are all the rest ?
I don't know who rolls-out the criteria for these awards - but they seem at odds with the folk roots (what we see in our Folk Clubs or in Concerts in our areas ) no doubt compiled by a bunch of London-based pseudo's who compile the final list(s).
Altogether it's a silly meangingless exercise in this format which does absolutely nothing to humanise or promote the enjoyable grass- roots folk music evening experience.
I honestly think we've forgotten where we came from - the enjoyment , the fun , the togetherness - the camerarderie - the chorus singing ,the pints of beer.
It's almost-as if our music has been gazumped by a bunch of uninterested investors.

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