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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,petehulme Attacked on my way to Stockton Folk Club (68* d) RE: Attacked on my way to Stockton Folk Club 10 Jun 15

im very sad to read this.I have a car but occasionally leave it at hone so I can have a couple of pints.I have walked hone late at night but have been lucky.However a few times people have offered me lifts and now I an very direct and ask people if I know they are going my way.At firstvthis embarrassed me but ive decided id rather be embarassed than mugged!
This thing about not looking like a victim is nonsense.U once attended a meeting ib sgeltered housing wherevthe police gave that advice to a group of elderly men and women.How couldthey take that advice?Wear a Superman outftt?
The answer that springs to mind is that akl folj cluvs should encourage people to give lifts.We are a community abd werealways singing about injustice and suffering.Lets put our beliefs into practice.I would happily give anyone a lift even out of my way if I I knew it was savibg tgem a beating!

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