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Musket BS: David Cameron is execrable (330* d) RE: BS: David Cameron is execrable 27 Aug 15

Al's thread title fucked it to begin with. It is a marmite title. You either agree with it or you don't. I don't think ya boo! Descriptions invite serious comment. But being objective isn't to take a stance either way.

Mind you, Keith's choice of comic confirms how weak gullible sods encourage cynical owners of newspapers. Whilst ever fools believe what they read, it'll keep getting printed.

I suppose less people read some political styled rags than others because intelligent people don't need to be fed horseshit of any persuasion whilst petty ideas attract petty minded individuals. The likes of Dacre at The Daily M*il realise that confirming peoples' bigotry and narrow mindedness sells far more copy than relating news. It is self righteousness on tomorrow's' chip wrapper.

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