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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RunrigFan Lyr Add: Buain a' Choirce (Reaping Oats, Gaelic) (6) RE: Lyr Add: Buain a' Choirce (Reaping Oats, Gaelic) 12 Apr 22

the buggy site deleted my replies

Date: 28 Mar 22 - 08:55 PM

Latha dhomh 's mi buain a choirce        
Gheàrr mi'm beum 's cha robh e socair        
Sèist:        Chorus (after each verse):
Hò rò na ho ri ri ò        
Hò rò na ho ri ri ò
Hi ri ri ri ho ro eile        
Gheàrr mi'm beum 's cha robh e socair        
Shuidh mi air uachdair a'ghoirtein        
Shuidh mi air uachdair a'ghoirtein        
Dh'fheuch am faicinn fear do choltais        
Dh'fheuch am faicinn fear do choltais        
Fear chùil duinn 's nan gruaidhean dosrach        
Fhaoileag bheag a shnàmhas an cala        
Beir mo shoraidh bhuam gu m' leannan        

Fiona Mackenzie and Arthur cormack from Seinn O Ho Ro Seinn

Date: 29 Mar 22 - 05:10 AM

One day while I was reaping oats
I cut which a handful of corn
And it was not easy
Hò rò na ho ri ri ò      
Hò rò na ho ri ri ò
Hi ri ri ri ho ro eile         

I cut which a handful of corn
And it was not easy
I sat by the edge of the cornfield

I sat by the edge of the cornfield
To see if I can see one like you

To see if I can see one like you
The one with brown locks and plummy cheeks

Little seagull who can swim the harbour
Take my respects from me to my lover

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