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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RunrigFan Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhoidheach (5) RE: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach 28 Apr 22

Fill iù o ro hù o
You would be my lovely wee lass
Fill iù o ro hù o
I would go with you to Uist
To sail on Lake Eynort
I would go with you to Germany
To buy an amber bead
I would go with you to Ireland
To hear wirestrung harp music
I would go with you to Canada
To sing by Lake Ontario
I would go with you to Córdoba
To eat out in the fresh air
I would go with you to Riocaud
To play World Music
(Sèist 2x)        (Chorus 2x)
Dheidhinn dha na rionnagan        I would go to the stars
Nam biodh tu deònach tighinn leam        If you'd willingly come with me
(Sèist...)        (Chorus...)

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