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Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhoidheach

RunrigFan 28 Feb 19 - 10:37 PM
RunrigFan 28 Apr 22 - 06:24 PM
RunrigFan 28 Apr 22 - 06:26 PM
Felipa 28 Apr 22 - 07:29 PM
RunrigFan 28 Apr 22 - 08:04 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Mo Chruinneag Bhóidheach
From: RunrigFan
Date: 28 Feb 19 - 10:37 PM

A traditional song

From Jennifer Licko version

Fill-iu o ro
Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

Dhéidhinn dhan a’ ghealaich leat nan gealladh to mo phósadh
Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

Dhédhinn leat a dh’Uibhist far am buidheachadh an t-eórna
Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

Dhéidhinn leat a dh’ Éirinn go féill nam ban óga

Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

Dhéidhinn dha na rionnagan nam boidh do chuideachd deónach,

Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

Dhéidhinn leat an ear ’s an iar gun each gun arian gun bhotuinn

Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

’S ag éistachd ris na h-iarlachan ‘gad iarraidh gus do phósadh,

Fill-iu o ro hu o, bu tu mo chruinneag bhóidheach, fill-u oro hu o

’S chuala mi na ministearan a’ bruidhinn air do bhóichead

I would go with you to the moon if you would promise to marry me
I would go with you to Uist where the corn’s ripened.
I would go to Ireland to the feast of the young women
I would go to the stars if your company was willing
I would go east and west, without horse, bridle or boots.
Listening to the earls wanting you to marry
And I’ve heard misters talk of your beauty


Isbhel MacAskill - Waulking Set

full song

Anne Martin sings as Gur Tu Mo Chruinneag Bhoidheach

Also titled as Fill Iu O or Fill-Lu O Ro Hu O

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Subject: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach
From: RunrigFan
Date: 28 Apr 22 - 06:24 PM

Fill-iù oro hù o
bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach
Fill-iù oro hù o.

Dheighinn dhan a' ghealaich leat
Nan gealladh tu mo phòsadh.

Dheighinn leat a dh'Uibhist
Far am buidhicheadh an t-eòrna.

Dheighinn leat a dh'Èirinn
Gu fèill nam ban òga.

Dheighinn dha na rionnagan
Nam biodh do chuideachd deònach.

Dheighinn leat an ear 's an iar
Gun each, gun srian, gun bhòtainn.

Mise muigh air cùl na tobhta
'S tusa staigh a' còrdadh.

Mi 'g èisteachd ris na diùcannan
A' cur do chliù an òrdugh.

'S ag èisteachd ris na h-iarlachan
Gad iarraidh gus do phòsadh.

'S chuala mi na ministearan
A' bruidhinn air do bhòidheachd.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach
From: RunrigFan
Date: 28 Apr 22 - 06:26 PM

Fill iù o ro hù o
You would be my lovely wee lass
Fill iù o ro hù o
I would go with you to Uist
To sail on Lake Eynort
I would go with you to Germany
To buy an amber bead
I would go with you to Ireland
To hear wirestrung harp music
I would go with you to Canada
To sing by Lake Ontario
I would go with you to Córdoba
To eat out in the fresh air
I would go with you to Riocaud
To play World Music
(Sèist 2x)        (Chorus 2x)
Dheidhinn dha na rionnagan        I would go to the stars
Nam biodh tu deònach tighinn leam        If you'd willingly come with me
(Sèist...)        (Chorus...)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach
From: Felipa
Date: 28 Apr 22 - 07:29 PM

the new verses in English about Canada, Germany,Cordoba and World Music are not translations of the Gaelic verses given in the first message; the verse about the stars is. The Gaelic about going to Ireland says I would go to Ireland to the festival of the young women, and the verse about Uist (Uibhist), I would go to Uist where the corn is ripe.

Dheighinn dhan a' ghealaich leat
Nan gealladh tu mo phòsadh.

I would go to the moon with you If you would promise to marry me

I would go to Uist, I would go to Ireland, I would go to the stars, etc.

Runrig Fan posted this song in 2019 but without the modern verses re "world music" etc.

I think it may also be mentioned in a compilation of songs with similar fill-oro choruses, but I can't find that. I know I have come across the new lyrics, the ones given in English in this thread, before. They are in this Talitha MacKenzie version

Dheidhinn leat a dh'Uibhist        
A sheòladh air Loch Aineort        
Dheidhinn leat a dhan Ghearmailt        
A cheannach grìogag òmar        
Dheidhinn leat a dh'Eirinn        
A chluinntinn ceòl na clàrsaich        
Dheidhinn leat a Chanada        
A sheinn aig Loch Ontario        
Dheidhinn leat a Chórdoba        
A dh'ithe biadh al fresco        
Dheidhinn leat a Riocaud        
A chluich Ceòl na Cruinne

-- more work for Joe or another mudelf, to combine these two threads. And although "bhòidheach" is correct, maybe we still have to leave the accent marks (as in ò) out of thread titles to make the words searchable.

    Threads Combined. -Joe-

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach
From: RunrigFan
Date: 28 Apr 22 - 08:04 PM

oops sorry

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