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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Needs to rest cookie Reggie Miles Part IX - Additions to Mudcat Songbook (58* d) RE: Part IX - Additions to Mudcat Songbook 17 Mar 01

Aine, here's a little escapist ditty I started a long time ago but only recently completed with a third verse. A short, sweet, three chord, Hawaiian styled song with a single fantasy nonsense Hawaiian type word in the title and chorus. Can you guess which? Well I don't speak Hawaiian. I just hope I didn't inadvertently spell something too offensive. ;o)

Ahukahuba How 'Bout You?

Close your eyes and drift away,
to where the skies are blue and the palm trees sway.
Where the island folk sing and dance all day.
Ahukahuba how 'bout you?

I want to go where the bananas grow.
Where the accepted form of dress is wearing no clothes.
I want the sun in my eyes and the sand in my toes.
Ahukuhuba how 'bout you?

There's a place that I am yearning for.
Where a warm and gentle breeze blows by a tropical shore.
Where I won't have to work and worry no more.
Ahukahuba how 'bout you?

More to come, Reggie Miles

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