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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bill D BS: Sci-Fi and/or fantasy authors (104* d) RE: BS: Sci-Fi and/or fantasy authors 06 Aug 24

As as a side remark, I discovered and am re-reading, in a pile of Sc-Fi as I was packing to move, an old copy of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Heinlein. It was a cult classic back in the 60s, along with "The Harrad Experiment" by Robert Rimmer.. (NOT sci-fi)
   I must say, I see much more in it now, not all positive. Heinlein has always been a problem with many women, who considered him sexist.
It was certainly controversial and while I kinda like him poking holes in 'organized religion', but some plot devices are just for Heinlein, using Jubal Harshaw as his alter ego, to promote his ideas about society and culture. The plot suffers as he tries to justify the various divergent episodes.
   I can't begin to list and analyze all my concerns in a few paragraphs.. and I'm not sure what exactly I (<-u> think about some parts.
   I'm curious how it would be treated if published today.

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