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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Wavestar BS: Attack Mousethief Here (104* d) RE: BS: Attack Mousethief Here 25 Apr 01

Troll, and Orac -

Keep in mind (and DON'T point fingers at me and say I'm a rabid femenist because of this) that the tradtional male and white interests are still being explored and studied. Strangely, they fall under the category of wat we simply call 'studies' - as in, there is fememist literary criticism, black literary criticism, and then literary criticism. The last one covers what could be classified as 'white Anglo-saxon male dominated criticism' and always has. That's why there is frequently not felt to be a need for a specific study or interest group.

I am not saying that this covers the interests of white men only, or even appropriately - but traditionally, it's sort of been their bailiwick, and there's been no need to attach "white studies" or "masculine criticism" to it.

On the other subject- I'm white, at least in skin, and I don't see why I should be ashamed of it. I suspect there are African Americans (ex slaves) and likely also Native Americans in my heritage. I like that - but my skin is kind of pale pink. Okay, so as I child I always wanted a pretty brown, but I've learened to deal with what I've got. If you don't like it, that makes you a racist, not me.

Oh, and Alex, You're a git. And a... a.. cream-faced loon. And a badger-backed ankle biter. No, seriously, you irritate me from time to time, and I don't agree with your attitude towards homosexuals, but you're a nice guy. I disagree with lots of people.


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