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GUEST,Mac Tattie Lyr Add: Spoons Murder - A cautionary tale (26) RE: Spoons - A cautionary tale 26 Aug 01

As both a singer(memory, throat,nasal passages and tintinitus permitting)and a spoonplayer of long-standing (long-sitting?) I take great care not to overplay my hand or ruin other musicians set pieces. Which is more than I can say about many guitarists, accordionists and fiddlers that play over, through and against and in different keys and time signitures to any one attempting to sing unaccoumpanied or with a restrained or quiet accoumpaniment. Instrument players and singers are a breed appart and at sessions, as far appart as posible. As for spoonplayers being limited, well it is true that most of us can only play in the keys of E, P, N and S. cheers.

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