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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
blt BS: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (24) 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 24 Apr 02

I'm writing this because I did a quick search of the Forum and couldn't find a thread that addresses it. If there is one, please let me know the thread title so I can read it. A friend sent me an email about Rep. Cynthia McKinney's statements concerning connections between the Bush regime and the Bin Laden family, including possible prior knowledge or warning of the attacks on 9/11. I hadn't heard this perspective before but it seems that it was in the European press not long after the actual attacks occurred. Rep. McKinney's statement, made on 4/20/02, describes the enormous profits gleaned from the increase in "Defense" contracts, benefiting the Bush family, among others. Rep. McKinney is now being villified or marginalized (or both) in the corporate press in the US--big surprise--so I'm curious. If anyone knows of websites that discuss this in more detail or other resources to check this out, I would appreciate knowing about them. Thanks,


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