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Rick...if you were to set the 'age' box to 365 you could go back to the beginning and read the whole discussion about 'appropriate' postings etc--but it would take you awhile!

Suffice it to say that there will always be a difference of opinion. Since there are no 'official' definitions, the management has always been pretty liberal.There are many of us, though, who would hate to see a time when just anything is accepted---it defeats the purpose of HAVING a site for folk/traditional music.

No one can really stop question asking & replying in this forum, but Dick Greenhaus has the final say on what goes into the database...and he has pretty good taste as to what the limits are,so you might use the database collection as a guide.

I personally wish that people would respect the concept of a clearing house for traditional music in a little more narrowly defined way, but I am not in charge; and since what IS here in the way of 'real' folk/traditional music is so good, I guess I will just grit my teeth and sift through the chaff to get to the wheat and not say too much about it......(well, unless, of course......)

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