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darkriver Witchcraft - positive songs about? (108* d) RE: Witchcraft - positive songs about? 23 Jul 03


that song you quote reminds me. Our older son (now a teen--gulp) attended a daycare that had a musician visit once a week. Toward one Halloween, she taught the tots that witch song. We didn't think anything much about it until my wife, son, and I went down to So. Cal. to visit wife's old old friend. Friend's now married to a very militant Christian guy, and they have 3 nice kids. After dinner, their kids put on an entertainment in which they each demonstrated or performed something. Wife and self were sweating bullets, certain that our son was going to get up and sing "There's a witch in every woman..." in front of Mr Born-Again....

Didn't happen though, but until the ordeal was over we were just eyeing each other in desperation. LATER, we found it funny.

doug aka darkriver

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