The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132878   Message #3009092
Posted By: VirginiaTam
17-Oct-10 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Spare a thought for good old Joe
Subject: BS: Spare a thought for good old Joe
With this sudden spate of folk singers, living, dead, embalmed and
worthy of knocking off,

F. S's who are not dead, but should be [Thread combined with Musicians who are neither alive nor dead -Mod]

Folk Singers Who Are Still Alive

Musicians who are neither alive nor dead

Folk singers not yet born, or concieved [Thread combined with Musicians who are neither alive nor dead -Mod]

Folk Singers who Have Died

Folk singers embalmed, but not dead [Thread combined with Musicians who are neither alive nor dead -Mod]

I think this day in Mudcat history will be the
day Joe Offer finally flips his lid.

Please spare a kind thought for our dear old Joe.