The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51477   Message #785292
Posted By: GUEST
16-Sep-02 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: Scholarship? new DT of any value?
Subject: RE: Scholarship? new DT of any value?
What is the basis of Bill Kennedy's complaint?
On 25 July 02, thread 49853, DT STUDY, Strange Fruit, he laid out the evidence for Abel Meeropol's sole authorship of "Strange Fruit." (Spring 2002 "American Music," University Illinois) Margolick's book "Strange Fruit," (2000) also has irrefutable evidence. (Clear evidence of the tune's authorship and use in 1937, before Billie Holliday ever saw the song, has been added to this study thread).

On 25 July 02, Permathread 49846, Attributions ---, Bill's posting was pointed out. This note was added by Joe Offer:
"NOT corrected in 2002 Digital Tradition- DT attributes to Billie Holliday and Lewis Allen, which I consider plausible." Joe Offer.

What is the point of the Attributions Permathread if corrections are cavalierly dismissed in this manner?
Moreover, the author's correct name should be given, not just a pseudonym.

DT Study Strange Fruit
Permathread Attributions