Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy |
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Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: goatfell Date: 22 Jul 07 - 05:28 AM in a word NO he's a warmonger that same as Bush |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 22 Jul 07 - 05:10 AM P.S. You can send George and Dicky with him if you like. Now that WOULD improve the chances for peace in the Middle East, and the rest of the world. Don T. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 21 Jul 07 - 08:06 PM "Anyhow, it's time for new thinking. Somehow, we have to get away from absolutes and come up with workable compromises. I think Blair can do that." Oh Purrrlease Joe. Has the connection between Tony the B Liar and your very own vegetative shrub completely passed you by? Blair will listen to both sides of the argument, consider very carefully what his response should be......Then call Geedubya and ask for instructions. The worst part of this appointment is that the Middle East is nowhere near far enough from the UK to send him. The world would be a better place if he were appointed Special Envoy to Mars. I know you lost two shuttles, but if we asked very nicely, do you think you could spare another?........Huh?...Huh?...Aw c'mon, PRETTY PLEASE. Don T. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: GUEST,ifor Date: 21 Jul 07 - 11:29 AM Apparently Condi rice has said that Blair does not have the lead role in the Middle East "peace " negotiations ...his role is to be fundraising!!!!!! ifor |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Roj Date: 20 Jul 07 - 12:12 PM He's just wants the chance to finish what he started - bless! Bit bl**** late really. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Teribus Date: 20 Jul 07 - 11:49 AM The Sojourners "Six Point Plan" is 100% "pie-in-the sky" and would never have worked in a thousand years. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: George Papavgeris Date: 20 Jul 07 - 10:24 AM Depends on whether he can cover up the backhanders he'll need to give. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Joe Offer Date: 20 Jul 07 - 10:20 AM Well, from this side of the pond, Tony Blair is viewed as a moderate - friendly to Bush, but at least not a mindless war hawk. If there is to be peace without chaos in the Middle East, it can't be achieved by somebody with a "take no prisoners" or "my way or the highway" approach. We need some real creativity in the Middle East. We need somebody who can listen to both sides and find the elusive middle path. If we disregard the Middle East, there will be continued chaos and terrorism all over the world. If we use warfare again, we'll have another Iraq. I think Blair has the creativity and diplomacy for the job, despite the fact that he has lost his popularity in the UK. I've been reading a bood called God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It, by Jim Wallis, founder of the Sojourners lobbying group. Before the Iraq war, Wallis and other church leaders met with Blair to try to find an alternative to war. They came up with this six-point plan. It doesn't satisfy my pacifist ideals completely, but it seems workable. Too bad Bush and Blair didn't accept it. When Wallis tried to meet with Bush a few days before the invasion, he was told that the issue was no longer open to discussion. Anyhow, it's time for new thinking. Somehow, we have to get away from absolutes and come up with workable compromises. I think Blair can do that. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Big Phil Date: 20 Jul 07 - 09:25 AM "Is Tony Blair the right choice as peace envoy to the Middle East or his appointment a piece of vanity ?" No, the man should be charged with crimes against humanity............ |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Teribus Date: 20 Jul 07 - 05:43 AM Hell Giok I wouldn't even sell him one, but there again that has applied to most politicians I've come across. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: John MacKenzie Date: 20 Jul 07 - 03:48 AM I wouldn't buy a used car from him, or a time share in Spain. G |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: jacqui.c Date: 19 Jul 07 - 10:24 PM I'm pretty certain that his main aim was to go down in history as a world statesman and now he has the chance to try and do that without all the piddling bothers of running a country. I wonder if this was the deal with Brown that led to his stepping down now. I doubt that he will do any better now than he did while he was PM. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 19 Jul 07 - 08:19 PM Very much an unthing. Courtesy of the undead in the White House. And Tony is the zombie for the job. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Teribus Date: 19 Jul 07 - 08:00 PM Why not? It's a UN thing, and everybody knows that they never do anything. Snouts back in the trough boys, you know the routine. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Donuel Date: 19 Jul 07 - 07:37 PM Don't forget to check for transvestites skipy |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: skipy Date: 19 Jul 07 - 05:01 PM Am I the right choice for the person who has to check that the Miss World contestants have no padding in their bras before they go on stage? I think so, others may not! Skipy (it's a job & someone has to do it!) |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Peace Date: 19 Jul 07 - 04:56 PM To further the peace process in the Middle East, I propose that Ehud Olmert be appointed along with Khaled Mashaal. "And soon the situation there was all but straightened out, For he was always known to lend a helping hand." Gospel of Bob |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: akenaton Date: 19 Jul 07 - 04:28 PM Somehow this appointment make me wonder if the Americans really want peace. How can Blair hope to carry any credibility? His support of Bush in Iraq has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and his refusal to call for a cease fire in Lebanon was craven beyond belief. He is a glory hunter without scruples and should be indicted as a war criminal rather than be rewarded with the chance to cover his tracks. Geoge Galloway was asked lately why he had no respect for the UK parliament. He replied simpy, "These are the people who granted Blair a tear stained ovation when he was forced from office" I was proud to see that the Scottish Nationalists in Westminster refused to stand or shed any tears for Mr Blair and I hope to see the rest of the creeps who supported him kicked out at the next election. Ake |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Geoff the Duck Date: 19 Jul 07 - 04:24 PM What Giok says and what Richard Bridge say. Both are accurate assessments of the lying bastard. Quack! GtD. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Richard Bridge Date: 19 Jul 07 - 02:29 PM Since the principal skill in diplomacy is first to make people believe, and second if discovered to justify, lies, while at all times pursuing your own advantage, I should think he is perfect for the job. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: jeffp Date: 19 Jul 07 - 01:19 PM Condoleeza Rice praised him up to the skies so he must be doing something wrong. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Peace Date: 19 Jul 07 - 01:13 PM I didn't do enough of anything in the '60s to understand the people who offered this position to him. Sounds to me like they are doing some seriously bad dope. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: ard mhacha Date: 19 Jul 07 - 01:07 PM The wrong man in the wrong place. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: Peace Date: 19 Jul 07 - 12:35 PM He was also conspicuously absent when Hezbollah was firing rockets into Israel. |
Subject: RE: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: John MacKenzie Date: 19 Jul 07 - 12:30 PM Of course he's not, he was conspicuously silent when Israel invaded Lebanon, and he followed orders from GWB to aid him in his little Iraqui adventure. He lied to the British people about the 45 minute story in order to justify this action. No he is merely another recipient of the 'Jobs for the boys' club that is international diplomacy. I wonder if he paid for the job in the same way as peerages were paid for while he was PM? Giok |
Subject: Is Blair the right choice as peace envoy From: GUEST,ALBERT Date: 19 Jul 07 - 12:19 PM Is Tony Blair the right choice as peace envoy to the Middle East or his appointment a piece of vanity ? Albert |
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