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BS: irish household charge not mandatory

Bonnie Shaljean 05 Mar 12 - 06:21 AM
Richard Bridge 20 Jan 12 - 12:25 AM
Stilly River Sage 19 Jan 12 - 06:47 PM
The Sandman 19 Jan 12 - 06:39 PM
Richard Bridge 19 Jan 12 - 04:38 PM
GUEST,Martin Dardis 19 Jan 12 - 04:16 PM
gnu 19 Jan 12 - 02:57 PM
The Sandman 19 Jan 12 - 01:56 PM
Richard Bridge 19 Jan 12 - 04:18 AM
The Sandman 18 Jan 12 - 04:18 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: Bonnie Shaljean
Date: 05 Mar 12 - 06:21 AM

I have just this morning spoken on the phone to an Irish solicitor who specialises in land law, and he says pretty much what Richard did, that it's bollocks (he even used the same word to describe it). I'm not surprised - thought it was too good to be true, and the old internet adage* immediately sounded in my head. This argument won't stand up in court, so pay up or else you'll face punitive fines... which will make the government even more revenue...


* If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

PS: Sorry, Dick! But it's best to be sure about these things -

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: Richard Bridge
Date: 20 Jan 12 - 12:25 AM

The bollocks is the misuse and misunderstanding of a simplistic definition from a student level law dictionary.   Can you imagine how delighted Gary Glitter would be to learn that he did not have to comply with statute if he didn't want to?

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 06:47 PM

Seems to me there are lots of things that are a load of bollocks that one doesn't need to be an expert to address. ;-)

Is this some kind of a property tax? There's no getting around them here in the US, if you don't pay they can sell your house on the courthouse steps to the highest bidder to pay back taxes. It takes a while to get to that point, though.


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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: The Sandman
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 06:39 PM

Richard, are you an expert on the irish household tax?

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: Richard Bridge
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 04:38 PM

What a load of bollocks!

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: GUEST,Martin Dardis
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 04:16 PM

I don't know how true the following info. is, perhaps there are some of you who are in the legal profession who can shed some light on it.

How you don't have to legally pay Household Tax!!-
You wont get a bill because the charge is a Statute. People need to understand this: A Statute is a "legislated rule of society given the force of law by the consent of the governed."(Blacks Law Dictionary 4th edition). Who are those it governs? Us, the public.
This household charge is a Statute, otherwise known as an Act of Government and only carries the force of law upon you if you consent to it which means that your legally obliged to pay if you consent or in other words go on to and register.
Your silence and inaction will also give the appearance of consent. If you do not consent, a Statute cannot affect you in any way whatsoever.
The courts know this and the last thing they will do is tell you. In fact they will hide this from you at every opportunity they can.
On the other hand, if you tell them, they will accept it because they know it is actually true.
According to the above definitions a statutory instrument is a contract. If you register for this "charge" you are consenting to this statuate ie: signing the contract. This is why the Government are ASKING the people to register and not just billing them instead.

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: gnu
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 02:57 PM

If you think you "own" land in the British Empire, don't pay property tax and see what happens.

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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: The Sandman
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 01:56 PM


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Subject: RE: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: Richard Bridge
Date: 19 Jan 12 - 04:18 AM

The only allodial land in England is Runnymede.

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Subject: BS: irish household charge not mandatory
From: The Sandman
Date: 18 Jan 12 - 04:18 PM

did you know...

The Household Charge is NOT Mandatory and that You Don't Have to Register to pay Either?

Hi Folks,

(important: please pass on this information, thanks).

Today we made four calls into the

We spoke to Roisin, Brian O'Gorman, Maeve and Ariel.

What we found out, and what they admitted to us was

astounding (call them on 01-2224000).

1.       The household charge is NOT Mandatory registration is

          voluntary, payment obligatory.

2.       If you don't register, thus far, they cannot force you to, or

          force you to pay (sweet).

3.       Their CEO is a man called Paul McSweeney.

4.       They may or could issue a fine (great).

5.       But they might have a problem with collection of this if you

          don't register.

6.       They might pursue it through the Courts. The trouble is, if

          it becomes a Constitutional matter, they might end up in

          the high Court, the cost of which might be prohibitively expensive

          for them. A terrible situation for Phil Hogan & his IMF hench-men.

Just so as Ye are all aware: Ye do

not legally own land or property.

Page 156 - Section 1.

"The Irish Law Reform Commission, a body composed

entirely of lawyers, has made a startling proposition

to the Irish Government: that direct physical ownership

of land should be introduced in the country and feudal

tenure ended. All landholding Irish citizens are feudal

tenants under the Irish constitution, not owners. This

in AD 2006! The Irish hold, don't own, land". – K.Cahill

WE say, that you should call &

ask them the same questions, to establish the facts.

It is easy to do, call Brian, Roisin,

Maeve or Ariel on: 01 222 4000

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