BS: active mind for better quality of life |
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Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: katlaughing Date: 14 Apr 01 - 03:49 PM I recently read a report that said doing crosswords puzzle also slowed down or lessened the chance for Alzheimers. |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: Peg Date: 14 Apr 01 - 12:41 PM I believe there has been some research that has shown that actively enggaing one's mind (reading, research, music, creating works of art, conversation, etc.) does in deed slow the effects of Alzheimers... Since so many of our old folk are shoved into homes, or left on their own until such becomes necessary, perhaps more contact and stimulation of a social sort might also help...in the old days, our elderly were the center of the family, of the community... |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: mousethief Date: 14 Apr 01 - 12:37 PM Arguing with MAV on Mudcat. Playing scrabble. Reading tons of books. Alex |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Apr 01 - 12:32 PM Like de-gunking fuel injectors: www.rc.org ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: Amos Date: 14 Apr 01 - 11:20 AM I memorize Willie Nelson songs, drink gallons of black coffee and smoke unfiltered cigarettes to keep my body in tip top shape for the long haul. It's kinda like the protection racket squeeze -- as long as I keep the basics coming, the house doesn't get burned down. :>) A |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: JR Date: 14 Apr 01 - 10:45 AM I saw that report & wondered if playing music itself tends to make those connections that build/reinforce the brain. In the nursing home where I work I see Alzheimers patients who can do little else sit down at the piano & play quite well. It suggests to me that those connection must be pretty strong & well reinforced. |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: kendall Date: 14 Apr 01 - 10:41 AM I take vitamin e, read, argue on the forum. Mr. Blake also said "I dont think of myself as an old man, I think of myself as a young man with some very serious problems" |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: Clinton Hammond Date: 14 Apr 01 - 10:17 AM Huh? Did I say something... or was that me? ;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: Mr Red Date: 14 Apr 01 - 10:16 AM Yup, he reasoned that the more connections we make the bigger the reservoir when we start loosing grey cells. er I think that's what he er.... um..... er ....... |
Subject: RE: BS: active mind for better quality of life From: Clinton Hammond Date: 14 Apr 01 - 10:11 AM Kinda a 'use it or lose it' thing eh? Interesting... |
Subject: active mind for better quality of life From: Mr Red Date: 14 Apr 01 - 09:56 AM According to Dr Andrew Weil on the Larry King show on CNN this week, degenerative brain diseases like alzheimers have less occurrence, are less severe &/or later onset among the groups regarded as having a more active mind. I see this first hand with a family friend, May, who had been an assertive business woman all her working life. At 85 she hobbles around on her selection of zimmer frames and stair lift, whimpering with pain at each step. She sits watching Countdown (up market TV word/numbers quiz game) and gets the numbers 50% of the time and bigger words than me and the contestants often. The bad news is I have perfect excuse for my puns & (t)witicisms. I walk to work and sing for relaxation. (caveat-- eunuchs apparently do live longer, statistically, but that won't alter that department) What are other mudcatters doing in hopes of a long rewarding life? As Uby Blake (& others) said if I knew I was going to last this long (100?) I would have taken better care of myself. |