Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons'
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Subject: RE: Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons' From: Franz S. Date: 28 Jun 05 - 10:11 AM Yes, that is the one. Thank you very much. I will add the Levy Collection to my bookmarks for future use. And I look forward to perusing the postings on the Hutchinsons. Again, thank you. |
Subject: RE: Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons' From: GUEST,Dale Date: 28 Jun 05 - 12:09 AM Kind Words Can Never Die I am posting the link to this thread mostly so you can see more about the Hutchinson family as posted by me and Q over the last seven years. Also look for the Old Granite State, another of their songs. They were easily one of the first major Family Groups but they came along too early for us to hear what they sounded like. From Masato's research, it sounds like it originated with them. |
Subject: RE: Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons' From: masato sakurai Date: 27 Jun 05 - 11:46 PM Is this (at the Levy collection) the song? Title: The Seasons. A Farmer's Song (From a Popular Air). Arranged as a Quartett. Composer, Lyricist, Arranger: Words by Jesse Hutchinson, Jr.; [music na] Publication: New York: C. Holt Junr., 260 Broadway, cor. of Warren St., 1846. Form of Composition: strophic with chorus Instrumentation: piano and voice First Line: Oh sweet the Spring, with its merry ring, When the robins chirp First Line of Chorus: Heigh ho! farmers go, over the fields to plough and sow Performer: As Performed by the Hutchinson Family in New York City & State, and throughout New England generally with universal acceptance. |
Subject: Origins: Hutchinson Family 'Seasons' From: Franz S. Date: 27 Jun 05 - 04:36 PM On his Loafer's Glory program #4, Utah Phillips played the song "Seasons" done by the Hutchinson Family Singers. Did they originate this song, or did it come from elsewhere? Given Mudcat, this should be a very short thread. |
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