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BS: Why are Folkies so critical?

GUEST,Ed 29 Feb 08 - 03:40 PM
Big Al Whittle 29 Feb 08 - 04:00 PM
Jim Carroll 01 Mar 08 - 11:40 AM
Little Hawk 01 Mar 08 - 04:55 PM
Peace 01 Mar 08 - 04:56 PM
Gene Burton 01 Mar 08 - 05:04 PM
Little Hawk 01 Mar 08 - 05:05 PM
Peace 01 Mar 08 - 05:08 PM
Gene Burton 01 Mar 08 - 05:19 PM
Peace 01 Mar 08 - 05:20 PM
Gene Burton 01 Mar 08 - 05:24 PM
Little Hawk 01 Mar 08 - 08:41 PM
Peace 01 Mar 08 - 08:51 PM
Peace 01 Mar 08 - 08:52 PM
Peace 01 Mar 08 - 08:52 PM
Little Hawk 02 Mar 08 - 10:57 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: GUEST,Ed
Date: 29 Feb 08 - 03:40 PM

Is it a really difficult question???

No-one who has posted has gone anywhere near an answer. I think the question is a valid one.


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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 29 Feb 08 - 04:00 PM

give us a chance, which answer would you like, we'll get as near to it as we can.....

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Jim Carroll
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 11:40 AM

What answer did you have in mind?
Jim Carroll

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Little Hawk
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 04:55 PM

dick said: "It's not nice if you take half the show with inane drivel while you're trying to tune. It's not a good thing to follow a long ballad in Em with another long ballad in Em."

Bloody hell, dick! You've just trashed my whole act, you insensitive sod! I hope you drop your blasted banjo on your foot, you prat!

Just joking, dick... I take great care not to follow any Em ballad with another Em ballad. For instance, just throw a capo on at the 2nd fret and PRESTO! You're in F#m, all set to go...and with a whole new sound. ;-) This is what all the real pros do.

GUEST, Ed - Yes, just tell us exactly what you want us to say about why folkies are so critical and we'll say it for you. We are folkies, and we're very obliging, you see. Our only real desire is to please you in any way we possibly can.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Peace
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 04:56 PM

"RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?"

The thread premise is wrong.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Gene Burton
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 05:04 PM

Parlant seulement pour me, je critique seulement la stagnation de la scène folklorique britannique courante, qui est en grande partie le défaut des critiques de non-performers/art de l'auto-portrait-appointed qui ne tirent jamais les cordes d'autres interprètes, pour qui je prends le plus grand respect (il est dur hors de là !)

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Little Hawk
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 05:05 PM

Yes. ;-) It should probably read, "Why am I so critical of Folkies?"

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Peace
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 05:08 PM

Vous obtiendrez les critiques fâchés.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Gene Burton
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 05:19 PM

Oui, mais les critiques ne prospèrent-ils pas d'être gêné ? Je n'obtiens pas l'impression qu'ils sont en particulier motivés par le plaisir... Je vois mon rapport avec des critiques pendant qu'un un symbiotique leur opprobre me met le feu vers le haut, tandis que je leur fournis la raison continue d'être critique !

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Peace
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 05:20 PM

Quand ils se fâchent ils sont idiots.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Gene Burton
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 05:24 PM

Oui, mais involontairement hilare ! ! ! C'est un phénomène bien observé qui ceux qui font tendre les la plupart des avis à être ceux avec la moindre connaissance...

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Little Hawk
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 08:41 PM

Nom de Dieu! Il s'avère que l'ennemi calomnieux a été conduit par le champ de la bataille par la puissance de la langue française. Périssez ainsi tous les tyrans!

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Peace
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 08:51 PM


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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Peace
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 08:52 PM


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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Peace
Date: 01 Mar 08 - 08:52 PM


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Subject: RE: BS: Why are Folkies so critical?
From: Little Hawk
Date: 02 Mar 08 - 10:57 AM

Viva Fidel!

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