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Lyr Add: The 12th of July (riot in Montreal)


Related threads:
(origins) Origins: Micks Sticks - Boyne Water/Boiling Water (51)
The 12th of July (70)
BS: Have a Glorious Twelfth! (Drumcree Parade) (251)
Battle of the Boyne: Have a Glorious twelfth!!!!! (15)
Tune Req: Recording of 'The Boyne Water'? (4)
Folklore: The Glorious 12th of July (17)
Tune Req: 12th of July (12)
Lyr Req: The Battle of the Boyne (3)

In Mudcat MIDIs:
The Twelvth of July

Ezio 26 Jan 98 - 09:27 AM
emily rain 24 Jul 99 - 04:30 PM
Joe Offer 24 Jul 99 - 04:46 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 24 Jul 99 - 04:53 PM
emily rain 25 Jul 99 - 04:00 PM
Big Mick 25 Jul 99 - 08:53 PM
Philippa 30 Jul 99 - 10:53 AM
Philippa 30 Jul 99 - 11:22 AM
emily rain 30 Jul 99 - 03:15 PM
Big Mick 30 Jul 99 - 09:43 PM
Big Mick 01 Aug 99 - 12:05 PM
Barry Finn 01 Aug 99 - 02:07 PM
Philippa 01 Aug 99 - 02:52 PM
alison 01 Aug 99 - 11:36 PM
emily rain 02 Aug 99 - 12:30 AM
Big Mick 02 Aug 99 - 10:47 AM
Pj Curtis -The Burren, Ireland. 03 Aug 99 - 01:42 PM
Peter T. 03 Aug 99 - 02:17 PM
johntm 03 Aug 99 - 06:39 PM
Big Mick 03 Aug 99 - 09:44 PM
j0_77 03 Aug 99 - 09:59 PM
Philippa 04 Aug 99 - 10:28 AM
alison 30 Sep 99 - 08:39 AM
John Moulden 30 Sep 99 - 09:15 AM
Jim Dixon 07 Apr 07 - 01:57 PM
Big Mick 29 Apr 07 - 07:14 PM
Felipa 13 Jul 21 - 07:06 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: The THE 12TH OF JULY
From: Ezio
Date: 26 Jan 98 - 09:27 AM


(Words: John Frazier [1804-1852], Music, Seàn Tyrrell)

Come pledge again your heart and your hand
One grasp that never will sever
Our password be our native land
Our motto «Love forever»
And let the Orange lily be
Your badge my patriot brother
The everlasting green for me
And we for one another

Behold how green the galant stem
On which the flower is blooming
How in one heavenly breeze and beam
Both flower and stem are glowing
The same good soil sustaining both
Makes both united flourish
But cannot give the orange growth
And cease the green to nourish.

The more that hand that plucks that flower
Will vainly strive to cherish
But in that our the stem blooms on
The flower it begins to perish
Regard them then of equal worth
While last their genial weather
The time's at hand when deep in earth
They will both sink together.

And even though it be in our country's cause
Our party feelings blended
'Til lasting peace from equal laws
On both will have descended
'Til the Orange lily be
Your badge my patriot brother
The everlasting green for me
And we for one another.

Sung by Seàn Tyrrell on «Cry of a dreamer» (1995)

John Frazier (1804-1852) A cabinet maker by trade, a poet by every instinct that poetry holds dear. He lies in an obscure corner of Glasnevin in an unmarked grave. Born a Presbyterian, he exhorts all his countrymen then and now to let the past bury it's dead and walk hand-in-hand into a loving future. In memory of Johnny Piggott and to the people of both communities in Belfast, but especially my long standing friends from the Shankill Rd. Seàn Tyrrell^^

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: emily rain
Date: 24 Jul 99 - 04:30 PM



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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Joe Offer
Date: 24 Jul 99 - 04:46 PM

Oh, darn. I thought Ezio had come back to us. I wonder how he's doing.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 24 Jul 99 - 04:53 PM

The flowers do come back, out of the green from which they bloom... --seed

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: emily rain
Date: 25 Jul 99 - 04:00 PM

sorry to fake you out, joe

: )

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Big Mick
Date: 25 Jul 99 - 08:53 PM

A superb lyric and poem. Can you tell me the tune? Is there a midi available?


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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Philippa
Date: 30 Jul 99 - 10:53 AM

there are recordings available: Sean Tyrrell "Cry of a Dreamer", also Cathy Ryan (I don't know which album)

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From: Philippa
Date: 30 Jul 99 - 11:22 AM

"Cry of a Dreamer is on Hannibal/Rykodisc
Seán Tyrrell also wrote of the song: "I've protected this song more than any other in my store because I didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands. In the wrong context songs can be twisted into lethal weapons or expressions of hate. This is a love song. Just now it is the most important love song I know...."

The other song I've come across with the same title is no love song and could well be inflamatory, so I don't think I'll be singing it. Yet it is of interesting to look at as it gives an idea of the circumstances which led Frazier to write his call for reconciliation over 150 years ago and the tensions that still surround sectarian parades. As Emily says, Frazier's poem is still topical.

The Twelfth of July recorded by Tom Brandon on "Folksongs of Ontario" (collected by Edith Fowke) Folkways Records, 1958

from the notes: "The Gazette for July 13, 1877, carried an extensive report of the episode under headlines reading 'TWELFTH OF JULY RIOT - An Exciting Day in Montreal
Victoria Square the Scene of a Fusillade --Revolvers Freely Used
One Man Shot and Killed---Several Others Wounded'
The newspaper account indicates that the ballad isn't quite accurate, for there was no formal Orangeman's parade that day: plans for one had been dropped because of the hostility of the United Irishmen. However, brawling broke out between a number of Catholics and Protestants in Victoria Squatre, and in the meleé a man called Francis Hackett was shot.

The Loyal Orange Institutions is an Irish Protestant society ...founded in 1795. Its name comes from William of Orange, a Netherlands prince who married Mary, the Protestant daughter of James II of England and became king of England when James was deposed in 1688. James fled to Ireland, and William defeated him there at the Battle of the Boyne...1690. This victory is annually celebrated on the twefth of July by parades of Orangemen.... Montreal the Orangemen have always been a small minority in a predominantly Catholic city. the religious friction which created the 1877 riot was not typical of the relations between the Catholic and Protestant Irishmen in Montreal...the two groups had worked together in such organisations as the St. Patrick's Society, and Irish historian speaking on the CBC recently remarked that 'the history of the Montreal Irish is a lesson in toleration'. In Toronto, on the other hand, where the Protestants outnumbered the Catholics, there used to be ructions during the St. Patrick's Day parades.

Today of course the hostility between Protestant and Catholic Irishmen in Canada is largely a thing of the past[*], but in the nineteenth century feelings ran high. Religious rivalry was embittered by centuries when the large Catholic pupulation of Ireland had been harshly oppressed by the largely Protestant landowners and ruling classes. ..."
[*I wonder has there been any reawakening of this animosity in recent decades, due to the violence in Northern Ireland and the continuing emigration to Canada from N Ireland? It should be noted that in the northern counties there were large numbers of Protestant settlers of humble backgrounds and modest means, and today's Protestant population in the north is largely working class and middle class, not aristocracy.]


Come all you gallant Irishmen who love your church and creed,
I hope you'll pay attention to the few lines that you read,
Concerning your church and countrymen, your brothers one and all
It's how we licked the yellowbacks in the city of Montreal.

It was on the twelfth of last July the Orangemen did draw nigh,
And to insult the Catholics they waved their colors high;
To insult the Catholics, it was their one design
And they played the tunes King Billy played on the day he crossed the Boyne.

They marched from Vyve and Circle down to Victoria Square.
It's there that they halted for the Union boys were there.
The Fawcett drew a revolver and he let go with a ball,
And swore he'd kill every Papist dog in the city of Montreal.

So Hackett followed after him and fired once again
And he received a fatal ball which entered in his brain.
He cast his eyes around him as downward he did fall,
And he bid adieu to that Orange crew in the city of Montreal.

So come all you true-bred Catholics who love your church and creed
I hope you'll pay attention to what King Billy and Cromwell did,
They tore down Catholic churches from Lewis to Donegal,
But they can't come across with no games like that
In the city of Montreal.

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: emily rain
Date: 30 Jul 99 - 03:15 PM

the cathie ryan cd is self-titled.

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Big Mick
Date: 30 Jul 99 - 09:43 PM


Thank you for the information on this song. I have been wanting to pick up a Sean Tyrrell CD and you have given me the one I will get. The song intrigues me and I would love to hear it sung by Sean. Ever since hearing him sing The Walker of the Snow on Spillane's Shadow Hunter album, I have loved his voice.

I appreciate all you do here. You are one of the best,


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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Big Mick
Date: 01 Aug 99 - 12:05 PM


First off, I am sorry I spelled your name wrong above, I just realized that I did.

This is a marvellous CD. I picked it up at Elderly yesterday. In fact they told me it was their last copy and then it was out of print. Thank you for telling us about it. I intend to pull a couple of songs out of it for performance. And The 12th of July is destined to become a standard for me. Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing it.

All the best,


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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Barry Finn
Date: 01 Aug 99 - 02:07 PM

Hi Philippa & Big Mick
I've post Sean's schedule from the celtic newsgroup. I can't say about Sean's CD's or him in concert but I can say having him in a session is more than just a joy.


9/10/99 CULVER CITY CA BOULEVARD MUSIC (310) 398-2583
9/14/99 SEATTLE WA TRACTOR TAVERN (206) 789-4250
9/14/99 SEATTLE WA TRACTOR TAVERN (206) 789-4250
9/15/99 PORTLAND OR McMENAMINS ST JOHNS(503) 289-7798
9/16/99 CORVALLIS OR UNITARIAN CHURCH (541) 758-3243
9/28/99 BERKELEY CA FREIGHT & SALVAGE (510) 548-1761
9/29/99 SANTA CRUZ CA KUUMBWA JAZZ CTR (408) 847-6982
10/2/99 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA (804) 977-7476
(413) 556-8686
(617) 776-6896
(902) 539-8800
CHURCH(619) 566-4040


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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July / Sean Tyrrell
From: Philippa
Date: 01 Aug 99 - 02:52 PM

ah, Mick, I'm tickled pink

YI thought you'd enjoy Seán Tyrrell, it's not as though you bought a CD just for one song. PJ Curtis produced the album; I'm surprised he hasn't written on this thread.

Seán has quite a knack for making songs of old poems like this. He found some of his songs-to-be in Kathleen Hoagland, ed. "1000 Years of Irish Poetry", including a few by John Boyle O'Reilly.

I like the way Seán accompanies himself (on guitar, mandola, mandocello, with syncopation). So I rather like to hear him on his own without other musicians. I told Seán this when I saw him playing in a pub in County Clare with a little band, but I gathered he was getting a buzz out of playing with a group. He invited someone up from the floor; it was Davy Spillane. Davy didn't have pipes with him, but he played a low whistle.

lest their contributions go unrecognised: Ezio and Emily, may you walk in the sunshine .

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: alison
Date: 01 Aug 99 - 11:36 PM


If you can get your mike to work... send me it on Mediaring and I'll do the tune......



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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: emily rain
Date: 02 Aug 99 - 12:30 AM

*beaming in the sunbeams*

thanks, barry, for the itinerary. i'll be sure not to miss 'em when they're in seattle.

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Big Mick
Date: 02 Aug 99 - 10:47 AM

I had a gig on Saturday night which was in the small pub that I often talk about here on the 'cat. I read this poem to the crowd. You could have heard a pin drop. It is a wonderful piece and to think it is over a hundred and fifty years old.........just blows my mind. It is a near perfect expression hope for the future of the North.

Ahhh, FAI ONE, thanks for the offer and I will take you up on it. I have struggled to figure out why the bloody thing won't work, but as soon as I she will go.

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Pj Curtis -The Burren, Ireland.
Date: 03 Aug 99 - 01:42 PM

Great to read all the interest in the great Sean Tyrrell song "The 12th July" from his 'Cry of A Dreamer'. This man sings the "Irish blues"! Dont miss Sean and paddy keenan on their upcoming tour in the US.(listed above,) PJ Curtis(Producer of Cry Of A Dreamer and Davy Spillane's 'Shadow Hunter')

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Peter T.
Date: 03 Aug 99 - 02:17 PM

Did you do "There Were Roses" as well, Mick, as promised?
yours, Peter T.

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: johntm
Date: 03 Aug 99 - 06:39 PM

Philippa I agree with you that he is great when he sings by himself. Saw him in NY at The Blarney Star and he was wonderful. Sang many of the songs from his new album and I liked them better in person (obviously better live and 20 feet away) in part because he did not have all the accompaniment that is on the album. John T. M

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Big Mick
Date: 03 Aug 99 - 09:44 PM

Yes, Peter, I did and the crowd in this pub loved it. They, as I, never knew this story. It was one of those wonderful nights where the crowd wasn't all that big, you had their absolute attention, and all the musicians and the sound guy were "on". The jokes worked well, the songs were all right on, and when I wanted to go serious I had their absolute attention. I was in that portion of the show where we have sung all the old and new rebel-type songs and I want to bring them back to the reality of what the people of the North face. I never want a crowd to leave one of my performances thinking that this is all glorious, rather they should understand, no matter the side they are on, the terrible cost of causes. Several people spoke to me of it and were very touched.

Back to topic. PJ, I for one, am honored to have you post here. There are very few songs or singers whom I try to sound like. But Seán is one of the few exceptions. When I sing "The Walker of the Snow" off of your excellent production of "Shadow Hunter" I try to emulate every detail of that man's rendition. I am so disappointed that he won't be in the Midwest on this tour. I would gladly travel several hours each way to hear his concert. A marvelous voice and unequalled interpretation.

And I am working on my own arrangement for "12th Of July" right now.

Oh, by the way, Philippa, I gave you credit at my performance and a thanks for sharing this with is.


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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: j0_77
Date: 03 Aug 99 - 09:59 PM

Is it appropriate ?? I wonder - here goes - there are excellent collections of Irish Folk from the 50's and 60's containing dozens of errr Irish songs. Check out the 'Wolfe Tones' :)

My favorite is 'Paddy Mc Ginty's Goat' very phunnie

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Philippa
Date: 04 Aug 99 - 10:28 AM

I saw an interesting webpage which so far I've only had a chance to scan(non-electronically):
Lámh Dearg: Celtic Minstrels and Orange Songsters by David Cooper (University of Leeds)

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Subject: Tune Add: THE 12TH OF JULY
From: alison
Date: 30 Sep 99 - 08:39 AM

Here's the tune, thanks to Philippa for the 12th of July riots one she posted above (30/7/99/ 11.22am)


Timebase: 480

TimeSig: 6/8 24 4
Tempo: 080 (750000 microsec/crotchet)
Key: Bb
1200 1 62 103 0238 0 62 103 0002 1 58 087 0478 0 58 087 0002 1 62 093 0238 0 62 093 0002 1 65 113 0478 0 65 113 0002 1 65 092 0238 0 65 092 0002 1 67 100 0238 0 67 100 0002 1 69 103 0238 0 69 103 0002 1 70 100 0238 0 70 100 0002 1 65 100 0478 0 65 100 0002 1 60 098 0238 0 60 098 0002 1 65 082 0238 0 65 082 0002 1 63 088 0238 0 63 088 0002 1 60 084 0238 0 60 084 0002 1 58 092 0453 0 58 092 0027 1 57 067 0218 0 57 067 0022 1 58 109 0958 0 58 109 0242 1 65 109 0238 0 65 109 0002 1 70 101 0478 0 70 101 0002 1 70 097 0238 0 70 097 0002 1 72 104 0478 0 72 104 0002 1 74 090 0238 0 74 090 0002 1 70 097 0478 0 70 097 0002 1 65 090 0238 0 65 090 0002 1 62 099 0240 1 60 090 0001 0 62 099 0237 0 60 090 0002 1 58 090 0238 0 58 090 0002 1 63 090 0480 1 63 098 0001 0 63 090 0237 0 63 098 0002 1 67 099 0478 0 67 099 0002 1 69 102 0118 0 69 102 0002 1 67 090 0118 0 67 090 0002 1 65 103 0958 0 65 103 0242 1 65 102 0238 0 65 102 0002 1 70 094 0238 0 70 094 0002 1 70 093 0238 0 70 093 0002 1 70 087 0238 0 70 087 0002 1 72 094 0478 0 72 094 0002 1 74 095 0238 0 74 095 0002 1 70 103 0478 0 70 103 0002 1 65 085 0238 0 65 085 0002 1 62 096 0478 0 62 096 0002 1 58 095 0238 0 58 095 0002 1 63 094 0120 1 63 094 0017 0 63 094 0583 1 67 100 0012 0 63 094 0466 0 67 100 0002 1 70 095 0238 0 70 095 0002 1 65 100 0958 0 65 100 0242 1 70 098 0238 0 70 098 0002 1 70 093 0478 0 70 093 0002 1 58 103 0238 0 58 103 0002 1 58 101 0238 0 58 101 0002 1 62 095 0238 0 62 095 0002 1 65 094 0238 0 65 094 0002 1 69 099 0453 0 69 099 0027 1 67 095 0240 1 65 100 0001 0 67 095 0479 1 60 080 0012 0 65 100 0108 1 62 087 0001 0 60 080 0117 0 62 087 0002 1 63 098 0120 1 62 099 0006 0 63 098 0327 0 62 099 0027 1 60 073 0238 0 60 073 0002 1 58 095 0478 0 58 095 0002 1 57 088 0238 0 57 088 0002 1 58 093 0958 0 58 093

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:The 12th of July



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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: John Moulden
Date: 30 Sep 99 - 09:15 AM

While Seán Tyrrell's tune is much sung and presumably much liked, it is definitely not the one which Frazier had in mind (and I think most artisan poets of 18th 19th century had a tune in mind as they wrote). However, at the time, in all parts of Ireland there was much use of Scottish tunes.
Try the tune for "A Man's a Man for a' that." It brings it within the area of songs which can be sung unaccompanied.

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Subject: Lyr Add: SONG FOR JULY 12TH 1843 (John D. Fraser)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 07 Apr 07 - 01:57 PM

Found with Google Book Search: This text appears in several books, but I selected the oldest of the ones available: The Spirit of the Nation, published by James Duffy, Dublin, 1845.

The same song/poem is in the DT (see THE 12TH OF JULY), and has been posted elsewhere in the forum, (see Today in Irelands History) but there are numerous small differences, not the least of which are the title and the spelling of the author's name. For the fun of it, I have tried to reproduce the formatting, but you will have to narrow your browser window to make the centering look right. (Is there a way I can make this work with HTML?)


BY J[ohn] D. FRASER.

AIR—"Boyne Water."


Come—pledge again thy heart and hand—
  One grasp that ne'er shall sever;
Our watchword be—"Our native land"—
  Our motto—"Love for ever."
And let the Orange lily be,
  Thy badge, my patriot brother—
The everlasting Green for me;
  And—we for one another.


Behold how green the gallant stem
  On which the flower is blowing;
How in one heav'nly breeze and beam
  Both flower and stem are glowing.
The same good soil sustaining both,
  Makes both united flourish:
But cannot give the Orange growth,
  And cease the Green to nourish.


Yes, more—the hand that plucks that flower
  Will vainly strive to cherish:
The stem blooms on—but in that hour
  The flower begins to perish.
Regard them, then, of equal worth
  While lasts their genial weather;
The time's at hand when into earth
  The two shall sink together.


Ev'n thus be, in our country's cause,
  Our party feelings blended;
Till lasting peace, from equal laws,
  On both shall have descended.
Till then the Orange lily be
  Thy badge, my patriot brother—
The everlasting Green for me;
  And—we for one another.

formatting fixed by format leprechuan

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Subject: RE: LYR ADD: The 12th of July
From: Big Mick
Date: 29 Apr 07 - 07:14 PM

Thanks, Jim, for posting this. I perform this song of hope often. It is wonderful to have the original lyrics. And I still sing this song.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The 12th of July (riot in Montreal)
From: Felipa
Date: 13 Jul 21 - 07:06 PM

John Moulden writes (July 2021): originally called "A Twelfth July Song" was written by a cabinet-maker called John de Jean Fraser in 1843. The intended tune was probably "A man's a man for a' that."

Moulden mentioned the tune in this thread as well, back in 1999, but I notice another version now of John Fraser's name.

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