Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 04 Feb 25 - 09:32 PM Any US citizen who has ever filed taxes, received Social Security, etc., can (and should) file a Civil Liberties Complaint. Elizabeth Booker Houston has offered a template. There is more pushback happening in DC. I'm still uncertain about the backing of the 50 demonstrations at 50 capitols supposedly midday tomorrow. There are some kind of light-weight accounts behind it, that makes me think it's a gimmick to set people up. But we'll see tomorrow. (It's that whole "have the Army shoot them in the legs" thing that Trump wanted before that has me worried.) |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Feb 25 - 12:57 AM The proposed 50 marches in 50 capitals was sounding awfully sketchy for a couple of days - you don't usually see a huge protest coming from a no-name Reddit account. But it seems that enough people have pulled together to make some of these happen. Rebecca Solnit on Facebook has gotten enough information from various sponsors of the marches tomorrow to conclude that maybe it isn't a setup by MAGA folks to shoot down Democrats in the streets. Meanwhile, from The Guardian, How the world’s richest man laid waste to the US government |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 05 Feb 25 - 04:10 AM Just found this in a pile of papers I'm using to light the fire. I think it's the perfect metaphor for the state of the world (and of the inside of my head) at the moment: Illustration from a BBC News article .... two lads not letting the fact that the pub is flooded get in the way of their game of pool. We make 'em tough round 'yere. Warning re warnings: my browser complained about redirections when attempting to first access the picture. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 05 Feb 25 - 04:31 AM Just for a laugh. Look at the images of Trump and the cane toads which are threatening Oz's native environment, especially the diversity of our native environment. I posted the links on 02 Feb 25 - 09:06 PM Now read the news article I read today in which I saw a lot of similarities to the Trump problem, especially in relation to how much he reminds me of a cane toad. Local ecological defenders tackle the rising tide of invasive species If you read the first two sections and substitute "Trump" for "cane toad" it creates some really apt parallels, IMHO. It is an especially interesting parallel that women are at the forefront of tackling the cane toad problem. Well, it made me laugh anyway. :-D |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Backwoodsman Date: 05 Feb 25 - 06:22 AM They’re calling him ‘The Mango Mussolini” on FB this morning. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Dave the Gnome Date: 05 Feb 25 - 08:29 AM I like the change of thread title :-) |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Feb 25 - 11:24 AM I guess the White House decided we needed a big distraction away from Musk's mischief so Trump has suggested the US take over, clean up, and build condos in Gaza. Pushing 2M people into surrounding countries. And Netanyahu standing there beside him, as an MSNBC commentator reported, "looking like the cat that just swallowed the canary." This is as stupid an idea as injecting bleach. Now pay attention to what Musk is doing. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: The Sandman Date: 05 Feb 25 - 02:59 PM Stilly, I think you are right |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: robomatic Date: 05 Feb 25 - 04:23 PM Among the things happening are RFK and Gabbard all but reaching confirmation including the supposed responsible Replicants (Republicans) who acted like they had standards of rectitude/ behavior. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 05 Feb 25 - 06:39 PM Not just condos but an 'American Riviera' in the words of Trump. This is not an instant Trump invention like injecting bleach but more like a hallucinatory AI creation after scouring Trump's history. It could be a new Atlantic City, with Casinos, prostitution, drugs, alcohol, surf and turf menus all under golden Trump signs. Will Muslims flock to New Vegas or attack it? As long as troops can move out 2.23 million Palestinians, all will be hunky dory. Not even the mafia had US troops to protect their casinos in Cuba. If this really is Trump's idea, and not just flooding the zone, we are witnessing a psychotic break and not just thinking big. Meanwhile, I hope it doesn't stymie the ceasefire and hostage exchange. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 05 Feb 25 - 07:01 PM Come to think of it, he may be experimenting to see what pronouncements affect his cryptocurrency investments. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Backwoodsman Date: 05 Feb 25 - 08:56 PM It’s nonsense, a distraction tactic to draw attention away from what’s really going on - the gutting of the governmental machine and the pillaging of the treasury. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: SPB-Cooperator Date: 06 Feb 25 - 06:11 AM maybe a practice run for Panama? |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 06 Feb 25 - 11:13 AM Distraction is a tried and trusted tactic. Compare: In 1973, it was proposed to build an airport for London at Maplin Sands. The conservationists promptly exploded, as it was (and is) a wildlife sanctuary. The government backed down, saving face by pointing to the oil crisis, but there were two outcomes: * The extra runway at Heathrow or Gatwick (I forget which) that Them In Power wanted in the first place, but couldn't mention to start with for fear of public outrage; * Maplin Electronics, a seller-by-post of electronic components, whose first catalogue featured a picture of a Concorde taking off from an unnamed runway. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 06 Feb 25 - 12:17 PM One small part of what they're distracting from: Democrats demand to know WTF is up with that DOGE server on OPM's network .... Read in full, please. Highlights include:
Tin hats, people. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 06 Feb 25 - 01:49 PM Musk owns Starlink, a whole bunch of satellites, and I'm willing to bet he wants to put NOAA out of the weather business so he can step in. And USAID was investigating how Starlink was gouging in Ukraine. I need sources for these, but the conjecture is out there. Two weeks ago I heard Margaret Hoover, on her program Firing Line, interview Mike Murphy (conservative/former GOP) and James Carville, liberal Democrat. As the program progressed I could hear her trying to get them to identify or step up as the loyal opposition. It seems all of the prodding by the public and by more independent journalists has finally started working. Democrats lost in 2024 and the "normal" routine would be to work on the 2026 campaigns. Everyone went home when their chambers were in recess. But it became clear they had to come back and fight now, and now they're doing it. At a recent GSA (General Services Administration) Zoom meeting in which a Musk puppet tried to convince them all to pay attention to the "Fork in the Road" memo and resign, the employees pushed back, making it clear they weren't having that nonsense. And they set up a graphic of spoons cascading down the screen in response to the fork references. Good for them! |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 06 Feb 25 - 05:13 PM Hubby sent me this. It's probably from Farcebook or similar. Trump to Musk: Canada is mining and selling too many minerals. Musk: What are you going to do? Trump: Order tariffs to make them mine less. Musk: Mine fewer. Trump: Shhh, don't call me that yet. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 06 Feb 25 - 05:37 PM Its good you have verified what the frick has been going on but paramount to the day are the actions that Stilly has suggested far below. She is not sitting by while millions are about to suffer. The optics of thousands of people protesting in 40 cities and call in shows with your opinions is edifying but energizing Congress by every means possible is important. The blitzkrieg of State Change can remove the tools of resistance before they can be employed. Time is of the essence. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: gillymor Date: 06 Feb 25 - 05:41 PM Lol, Helen. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: robomatic Date: 06 Feb 25 - 10:18 PM Saw that same interview in the 'new' Firing Line. Didn't get in at the beginning of the broadcast. A lot of stuff went by real fast and I didn't absorb all of it. An episode or two ago she had on Newt Gingrich. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: robomatic Date: 06 Feb 25 - 10:23 PM I watched a YouTube 'expert' but one I take seriously, review the Congressional oversight quizzing of Tulsi Gabbard. Said expert took some time and had some extended questioning of Gabbard by Dems and Reps on the board. I was impressed by the level and specificity of questions and answers, but not about the result that Gabbard appeared to be headed for a pass. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 07 Feb 25 - 08:08 AM The Super Trump Bowl will be the first one attended by a president. Will he stay for the halftime rap concert? Will Taylor Swift or Trump get more air time? Will he want an applause moment? Will the loud boos' audio be turned off when Donnie is introduced? |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 07 Feb 25 - 08:40 AM Tesla car sales in Europe have dropped about 50% Musk US approval rating went from 47% in Nov. to 25% in February. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: gillymor Date: 07 Feb 25 - 09:45 AM Considering all the booing that welcomed Trump at the 2019 World Series he might want to keep a low profile at this event to protect his fragile ego. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 07 Feb 25 - 10:27 AM From a post of gillymor's, apparentlhy misposted to the UK politics thread: > [tRump is] living in a reality show gone wrong and he > has to be the star. There's a name for that: the poor manbaby's suffering from Headline Attention Deficit Disorder, as is his competitor (Agent X). |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 07 Feb 25 - 12:27 PM Donuel, the Tesla sales in Australia have dropped significantly too. Tesla sales slump worldwide off the back of Elon Musk's political actions "Questionable hand gestures, antisemitic tweets, and linking arms with President Donald Trump; Elon Musk has become a master at alienating his audience. "Now it's showing up on his company's bottom line. "Tesla sales have slumped around the world, including by a third in January in Australia compared to the same time a year ago. "According to data from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) and Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) EV sales were just 4.4 per cent of the Australian market in January, down from 5.5 per cent in January last year. "Giles Parkinson, founder of The Driven, said Mr Musk's 'extraordinary' actions had contributed to Tesla falling out of the top five best-selling car brands in European markets, and now Australia was following suit. "'That really has been attributed a lot to the impact of Musk on his brand,' he told The Business. "'We're hearing that people are walking into other car makers and saying, I want to buy an electric car but I don't want to buy Tesla anymore.' "'We're also hearing that people who own Teslas are feeling uncomfortable and are looking to see if they can sell and shift to another brand.' "'It's an extraordinary situation, because the Tesla products are really quite admired because of their quality, but some people are just finding it really difficult to either buy or retain those those cars.'" Other sections of the article are: "Owners 'don't want to be attached' to Musk", "Musk, competition from China turning away customers", and sections on Hybrids remaining popular option in Australia, the Chinese brand BYD, and tax exemptions on more environmentally friendly vehicles. I keep telling my Hubby that I want to make an FEM (F*ck Elon Musk) car sticker to put on any Tesla cars I see. He just rolls his eyes. I probably won't but I still say it out loud every time I see a Tesla. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 07 Feb 25 - 03:43 PM There is a treatment for the twisted twins. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 07 Feb 25 - 05:42 PM I just looked at the title of this thread and did a double take. After posting about how tempted I am to create an "F Elon Musk" car sticker, the words "convicted felon" created F-Elon in my brain. There is a good probability, IMHO, that Elon will join Trump in the felon category at some point in the not-too-distant future. He already has 80% of that word in his name and BTW 80% of Trump's name is rump. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Bill D Date: 07 Feb 25 - 05:55 PM Now that Trump and his minions have "won", you can bet that they dread the very idea of *losing* in 2026 & 2028, as a sane DOJ would have many new felons along with the old ones to prosecute. Thus, ANY means, illegal or not to avoid this will be used. "Hmm.. why let our enemies ever get to vote against us?" |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: keberoxu Date: 07 Feb 25 - 06:59 PM India is outraged that the deportation of Indian natives from the US was accomplished with a military aircraft and with shackling of the passengers. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: SPB-Cooperator Date: 08 Feb 25 - 09:12 AM Helen, such a deicious idea - please send me one!!!!!! Of course we may have to wait until he is convicted of something or until the turnip throws his under a bus to save his neck - thugh I wouldn't be surpised if it happens the other way round as the turnip is a useful mindless mouthpiece thatsuits musk's purposes fr the present. . |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 08 Feb 25 - 09:25 AM Violence and final solutions are eventually found to be cheaper and more permanent in dictatorships. I can imagine that shackling is crucial for step three final deportations. With rear door cargo planes one can have a 2 ton weight parachute out the back with a chain connected to the shackles. All those shackled will go deep into the ocean. Industrial elimination of people without a trace can become more simple and easy than the WWII holocaust. Of course a neutron bomb can accomplish a final solution over a large camp/prison without any damage to the infrastructure however removing the remains that will not rot* is unimaginable. *inability to decompose is due to the unique effects of a sterilizing neutron bomb. It's been said before "it can't happen here". |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 08 Feb 25 - 09:27 AM I prefer Elon Musk says FUCK YOU |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 08 Feb 25 - 09:37 AM The Super Bowl has caved in to Trump. The WORDS removed from the endzone that said "END RACISM" were offensive to Trump. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: gillymor Date: 08 Feb 25 - 10:05 AM It does run counter to his "Revive Jim Crow" agenda, maybe that will be the slogan in the end zone next Super Bowl. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 08 Feb 25 - 10:54 AM This was posted by Rebecca Solnit on FB overnight: Crucial advice and insight from my very smart strategist friend Brian, an actual expert on government payment systems: |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 08 Feb 25 - 12:53 PM Getting locked out of a system with new teenage encryption codes is a problem. I foresee the shit eventually hitting the fan inside the Musk gang so that a NO LOOSE THREAD order goes down and his kids start to disappear. Chaotic missions have chaotic endings. It could depend on a rogue band of FBI agents putting their lives on the line for the Constitution. They are not all fascist patriots. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 08 Feb 25 - 01:52 PM US judge temporarily blocks Elon Musk's DOGE from accessing payment systems "In short: A US District Court judge has put a temporary block on Elon Musk and employees of his Department of Government Efficience (DOGE) accessing the US Treasury Department's payment and data systems. "The ruling was issued in response to a lawsuit from 19 states filed on Friday, alleging Mr Musk and his cost-cutting team could disrupt a number of vital government services and access sensitive data. What's next? "The judge's order is only temporary — a further hearing before another judge is scheduled for next Friday, February 14." ... "The lawsuit said Mr Musk and his team could disrupt federal funding for health clinics, preschools, climate initiatives, and other programs, and that President Donald Trump, a Republican, could use the information to further his political agenda. "DOGE's access to the systems also 'poses huge cybersecurity risks that put vast amounts of funding for the States and their residents in peril,' the state attorneys-general said, seeking a temporary restraining order preventing Mr Musk's team from accessing the systems." ... "His order bars political appointees, special government employees [e,g, Elon Musk] and government employees detailed from an agency outside the Treasury Department from being granted access to the department's payment and data systems. "The judge also directed anyone prohibited under his order from accessing those systems to immediately destroy anything they had previously copied or downloaded." ... "Judge Engelmayer's ruling came a day after another federal judge, this time a Trump appointee, paused Mr Musk's plans to place 2,200 USAID employees on leave. The White House and Treasury Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment from news agency Reuters. Mr Trump deputised Mr Musk to lead DOGE to identify fraud and waste in the government, however Mr Musk's efforts have alarmed Democrats and advocacy groups who say he is overstepping his authority by seeking to dismantle agencies responsible for critical government programs and fire federal workers en masse." |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 08 Feb 25 - 04:38 PM The court does not have its own enforcement. The DOJ would refer to the FBI. Would Bondi and Patel give orders to enforce the court order? I think not. The young Musk gang would have members who would try to get a little something for themselves. This is common among thieves. Things will go sideways in a hurry once private heists occur. Envy and greed will take over and lead to the no-loose-thread order. The Musk gang is not a democracy and would probably seek a solution with extreme prejudice to restore discipline. Stay tuned for season 1 episode 4. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 09 Feb 25 - 09:50 AM Who are the millions of people who are harmed or killed by the fabulous fascist twins? People who have lost their jobs Farmers who won't be paid for the 3 billion dollars of grain that went to USAID Farmers who have no migrant workers to harvest crops Shoppers who may pay double for the smaller food supply Children with disabilities who lost programs for special education School lunch programs Meals on wheels for shut-ins VA benefits People who no longer get PETFAR HIV medicine Children who die because of starvation without USAID These people were first to come to my mind BUT who else is being harmed in your observation? |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Feb 25 - 10:53 AM The real test will be if any of these cases make it to the supreme court. Will these acts be a bridge too far for Gorsuch, Coney Barrett, and the rapist Kavanaugh. I have no hope for good decisions from Alito or Thomas. Odd. Really odd. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Feb 25 - 02:15 PM George Conway explains How the Stop the Dismantling of Our Government on The Bulwark. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 09 Feb 25 - 02:47 PM SRS, thanks for the link to the George Conway video. He raises some very important and worrying points. Psychopathocracy. Hmmm!! Very apt terminology and very worrying consequences. And the comparison between normal political leaders who use proper strategic processes, including analysing the facts and considering the likely outcomes and consequences of proposed actions compared with Trump and his evil cronies who shoot first and ask questions later. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Feb 25 - 02:54 PM If the International Criminal Court files an arrest warrant against Trump, then if he goes to a member country they could arrest him. It would be messy, but it would be one way to put him out of commission for a while. What other world-wide methods are out there to physically remove him from the office? |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 09 Feb 25 - 03:16 PM I'm wondering if the decision by Trump & his evil twin F-Elon to stop USAID will have a consequence they haven't considered. The people who call themselves Christians can justify some of Trump's edicts, e.g. stopping abortion, deporting illegal aliens, but can they live with their own conscience knowing that children will die of starvation without USAID, people will suffer or die from health problems which were being relieved by USAID, a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering will occur. Regarding the Supreme Court's role in the recent decisions by Judges to temporarily restrict actions based on decisions made by Trump and his F-Elonious friend, will Amy Coney-Barrett, who as I recall claims to live by her Christian standards, go along with his edicts in the face of the resulting suffering and death or will she have a moral about-face? Will she re-evaluate what it really means to follow her Christian faith? It would be poetic justice if she did get closer to her Christian ethics and morality and no longer blindly align herself with Trump, IMHO. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Feb 25 - 03:22 PM I spent an increasingly depressing hour listening to a discussion with George Conway on The Bulwark. The Justice Department answers to Trump now and they will order US Marshals not to arrest anyone held in contempt or enforce rulings by federal judges. Until the Senate and House grow a spine and stand up to Trump nothing will happen. There is a third rail: the moment they stop social security or any federal accounts there will be riots in the streets, and then the house and senate will have to act. And hope the army disobeys Trump's orders to shoot protestors. |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Helen Date: 09 Feb 25 - 04:12 PM SRS, a couple of days ago when I was looking for a specific quote about F-Elon, I saw an image of a poster at a political protest. I think it had an image of a jellyfish, maybe, and the caption read "Democrats - spineless, brainless, heartless". I think that applies not just to the Democrats but as you said, to the whole House and Senate. "Until the Senate and House grow a spine and stand up to Trump nothing will happen." |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Feb 25 - 06:32 PM I've sent another message to both senators and to my representative. I've posted a blog entry to give guidance on how to contact these representatives and why it doesn't help to contact senators or reps who don't represent you. (PM for information about that blog if you want to subscribe, it's free. You may need a Wordpress account to respond or subscribe, but those are also free. And it isn't just politics.) Doing the things I know how to do every day. Tomorrow is Monday, time to get on the phone and make some calls to these same folks. If you're on social media, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has some great instructive videos that have appeared on Instagram and Bluesky, and probably others (and I love that she is knitting while she does it.) |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Donuel Date: 10 Feb 25 - 06:52 AM The next step for the courts to enforce their ruling that is being ignored is to issue a contempt order and call up the federal Marshalls. Will Bondi follow that court order? The rule of law depends on a spirit to follow the law. Does Trump have that spirit? Will the Supreme Court? |
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup From: Dave the Gnome Date: 10 Feb 25 - 06:56 AM 300! |
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