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BS: Was my face red...

fat B****rd 25 Apr 07 - 03:47 PM
Peace 25 Apr 07 - 03:54 PM
fat B****rd 25 Apr 07 - 03:56 PM
Georgiansilver 25 Apr 07 - 04:00 PM
katlaughing 25 Apr 07 - 04:52 PM
dianavan 26 Apr 07 - 02:17 AM
fat B****rd 26 Apr 07 - 10:06 AM
Grab 26 Apr 07 - 10:15 AM
GUEST,Pseudolus at work 26 Apr 07 - 03:18 PM

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Subject: BS: Was my face red...
From: fat B****rd
Date: 25 Apr 07 - 03:47 PM

My daughter's face has developed a sort of nasty looking spotty rash diagnosed as Rosacea. Could anybody out there help with constructive suggestions to deal with this ?.
She has a prescribed gel and diet sheet from the doctor but any help would be most appreciated.
Thank you, Charlie.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: Peace
Date: 25 Apr 07 - 03:54 PM

Info here, FB.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: fat B****rd
Date: 25 Apr 07 - 03:56 PM

Many thanks, Bruce. That's a good start.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: Georgiansilver
Date: 25 Apr 07 - 04:00 PM

I assume she has been prescribed metronidazole gel which is a topical antibiotic and is usually effective but should it not work effectively she may be prescribed tetracycline or an oral retinoid drug....could be several weeks before it clears. Rosacea has been known to come and go over a period of up to ten years.......time of course will tell.
Little anyone can recommend apart from your doc.
Sorry can't be more helpful. Best wishes, Mike.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: katlaughing
Date: 25 Apr 07 - 04:52 PM

There's some good info re' triggers, i.e. stress and diet, and links on this page.

And, I know nothing about this, just found it on google, but it seems there may be some effective alternative medicines.

Lots more info HERE

One more: .

Take care,


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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: dianavan
Date: 26 Apr 07 - 02:17 AM

Well, Charlie, I don't know the age of your daughter but this may help.

Instead of rubbing your face with a wash cloth, clean it (with whatever the dr. suggests) using your hands and then rinse by splashing water on your face with your hands - 10 times to make sure all the soap is off. No more scrubbing and rubbing with wash cloths.

Be sure to use a cream (whatever the dr. suggests) to keep the skin soft and elastic.

She may need counselling to help her self-confidence. This is probably something that she will have to deal with all of her life. Tell her to smile and stay positive because that will help her skin to heal.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: fat B****rd
Date: 26 Apr 07 - 10:06 AM

Thank you all so much for your help. I'm in a caravan on someone's back yard at the moment so Computer Access is very limited. I'll make sure Leah gets this info. All the best from Charlie.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: Grab
Date: 26 Apr 07 - 10:15 AM

As far as washing goes, if your skin's very sensitive and prone to cracking or irritation, just don't use soap. Any chemist will sell you aqueous cream, which is usually used as a gentle moisturiser, but it can also be used instead of soap as a skin cleanser. As a skin cleanser, it doesn't dry the skin out at all, and you can also use it for moisturising so you don't need to carry around lots of separate tubes of stuff.

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Subject: RE: BS: Was my face red...
From: GUEST,Pseudolus at work
Date: 26 Apr 07 - 03:18 PM

I have been struggling with this for years. I was told that it was nothing that I did or ate or came in contact with. Rosacea comes in several forms but the most common is redness. Unfortunately mine developed to the point where I had bumps all over my nose, some were quite large. They look like Acne but they are not. A little over a year ago I had surgery to remove the bumps. Rosacea is tenacious so whatever the doctor prescribes, my suggestion is that she follow to the letter and return to the doctor if it's not working. My dermatologist said that this is incredibly difficult to treat because it is something that needs to be controlled since it never really goes away.

If it gets to the point that the doctor prescribes Accutane, do a LOT of reading up on the subject! Lots of side effects on that one! I wish her the best...and no bumps!


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