BS: With friends like this...
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Subject: BS: With friends like this... From: dianavan Date: 27 Apr 07 - 12:02 AM Army Lt. Col. William H. Steele has been accused of giving aid to the enemy. "The other charges included unauthorized possession of classified information, fraternizing with the daughter of a detainee, maintaining an inappropriate relationship with an interpreter, storing classified information in his quarters and possessing pornographic videos, the military said. Steele also was charged with improperly marking classified information, failing to obey an order and failing to fulfill his obligations in the expenditure of funds, the military said." http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1615264,00.html I guess it is easier to do business with Sunnis than Shias. |
Subject: RE: BS: With friends like this... From: katlaughing Date: 27 Apr 07 - 12:15 AM At least he doesn't seem to have raped and murdered anyone as other US soldiers have done. |
Subject: RE: BS: With friends like this... From: skipy Date: 27 Apr 07 - 03:38 AM possessing pornographic videos! That's dreadful! should be DVDs in this day & age! Skipy |
Subject: RE: BS: With friends like this... From: Rapparee Date: 27 Apr 07 - 08:30 AM Sexually explicit materials are quite explicity banned -- troops in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East can't have them. Not even "Playboy," the preferred reading of the troops in Vietnam. Even the videorecordings and movies have to be vetted for unacceptable displays of the body. You can't send them and the troops can't possess them -- this is in deference to the teachings of Islam. Even books without pictures are screened. Alcoholic beverages are also verboten. |