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Lyr/Tune Req: What Did Della Wear? / ...Della Ware


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Lyr Req: What Did Delaware? (3) (closed)

In Mudcat MIDIs:
What Did Delaware? 07 Nov 96 - 12:13 PM 11 Nov 96 - 07:22 PM
dick greenhaus 11 Nov 96 - 09:21 PM 12 Nov 96 - 02:53 AM 12 Nov 96 - 03:02 AM 14 Nov 96 - 03:02 PM
21 Nov 96 - 04:50 PM
mim 01 Mar 97 - 12:11 AM 07 Feb 98 - 03:16 PM
Joe Offer 07 Feb 98 - 04:59 PM
dick greenhaus 07 Feb 98 - 06:08 PM
Joe Offer 07 Feb 98 - 08:17 PM
Joe Offer 07 Feb 98 - 08:51 PM
dick (hard bargainer) greenhaus 07 Feb 98 - 10:07 PM
Joe Offer 08 Feb 98 - 01:41 AM
KickyC 08 Feb 98 - 09:50 AM
dick greenhaus 08 Feb 98 - 11:39 AM
Jon W. 09 Feb 98 - 11:21 AM
Joe Offer 09 Feb 98 - 03:11 PM
Tormid 20 Feb 98 - 03:59 AM
Whippoorwill 20 Feb 98 - 03:24 PM
Joe Offer 06 Apr 98 - 02:27 AM
Nigel Parsons 07 Jul 02 - 08:09 PM
masato sakurai 07 Jul 02 - 11:17 PM
George Seto - 07 Jul 02 - 11:58 PM
Lighter 03 Feb 04 - 06:58 PM
GUEST,amers4 25 May 04 - 11:23 AM
Jim Dixon 27 May 04 - 10:01 AM
Jim Dixon 27 May 04 - 10:08 AM
GUEST 06 Jul 10 - 12:09 PM
GUEST 06 Jun 11 - 05:28 PM
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Subject: What did delaware
Date: 07 Nov 96 - 12:13 PM

I am looking for lyrics & tune about the states some of the lyrics are.

What did delaware boys,what did delaware,She wore a New jersey boys,she wore a New Jersey

See What did Delaware - Index of Threads

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Subject: RE: What did delaware
Date: 11 Nov 96 - 07:22 PM

What did Iowa [pronounced i-o-weigh] boys, What did Iowa What did Iowa, boys, What did Iowa. What did Iowa, boys What did Iowa I ask you now, as a personal friend, What did Iowa.

She weighed a Washington, boys, etc. I tell you now...etc

What did Idaho, boys, etc.


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Subject: RE: What did delaware
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 11 Nov 96 - 09:21 PM

C'mon folks. Excercise your long-term memories and see if we can come up with more of this.

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Subject: ADD Chords: What did delaware
Date: 12 Nov 96 - 02:53 AM

C7  F               F7         Bb              F
Oh, What did Del-la wear boy? What did Del-la wear?
F G7 C7
What did Del-la wear, boy? What did Del-la wear?
C7 F B7 C7
She wore a brand New Jer-sey, She wore a brand New Jer-sey.
Bb A7 Dm Bb F C7 F
She wore a brand New Jer-sey, That's what she did wear.

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Subject: RE: What did delaware
Date: 12 Nov 96 - 03:02 AM

Why did Cal-i-phone-ya? Why did Cal-i-phone?
Why did Cal-i-phone-ya? Was she all a-lone?
She called to say Ha-Wai-a, She called to say Ha-wai-a,
She called to say Ha-wai-a, That's why she did phone.

What did Mis-sis-sip, boy? What did Mis-sis-sip?
What did Mis-sis-sip, Boy? Thro' her pretty lip?
She sipped a Min-ne-so-ta, She sipped a Min-ne-so-ta
She sipped a Min-ne-so-ta, That's what she did sip.

Where has Or-e-gon, boy? Where has Or-e-gon?
If you want Al-las-ka, Al-las-ka where she's gone.
She went to pay her Tex-as, She went to pay her Tex-as,
She went to pay her Tex-as, That's where she has gone.

How did Wis-con-sin, boy? She stome a New-brass-key,
Too bad that Ar-kan-saw, And so did Ten-new-see.
It made poor Flo-ra-die, boy, It made poor Flo-ra-die,
You see she died in Mis-sou-ri, boy, She died in Mis-sou-ri.

Words and Music by IRVING GORDON 1960

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Subject: RE: What did delaware
Date: 14 Nov 96 - 03:02 PM

What did Dela-ware to Georgia's party down in Maryland?
She wore a New Jersey that Virginia bought in Michigan.
Did you know that Tenn-e-see did see a saw in Arkan-sas?
For this silly song of states I-o-wa big apology!

This is from my childhood, so forgive the silly lyrics, specially at the end!

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Subject: RE: What did delaware
Date: 21 Nov 96 - 04:50 PM

what did delaware boys? I dunno, but Alaska!

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Subject: RE: What did delaware
From: mim
Date: 01 Mar 97 - 12:11 AM

what did Idaho? She hoed her Maryland.

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Subject: Need Lyrics for
Date: 07 Feb 98 - 03:16 PM

Can anyone help me with the lyrics for "What Did Della Ware" Remember the old state song that asked questions and answered with other states? What did Della wear? She wore a brand New Jersey? What does I-O weigh? It weighs a Washington. I can't remember them all. Thanks for your help!

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Feb 98 - 04:59 PM

I guess this was the most complete (of many) threads we've had on the song, but I don't think the song ever made it into the database.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 07 Feb 98 - 06:08 PM

Joe- It will. It will. Songs will get in the Digital Tradition fastest if tunes are available.

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Feb 98 - 08:17 PM

Well, actually, Dick, I don't like the song - but I figure if we get it into the database, maybe people will stop asking for it. How's THAT for twisted logic???
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: WHAT DID DELAWARE?^^
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Feb 98 - 08:51 PM

Darn, you drive a hard bargain, Greenhaus

(traditional, as far as I know)

1. What did Delaware, boys,
What did Delaware?
What did Delaware, boys,
What did Delaware?
I ask you now as a personal friend,
What did Delaware?

She wore her New Jersey, boys (four times)
I tell you now as a personal friend,
She wore her New Jersey.

2. What did Idaho, boys….
She hoed her Maryland, boys…

3. What did Ioway, boys…
She weighed a Washington, boys…

4. How did Wiscon-sin, boys…
She stole a New-bras-key, boys…

5. What did Tennessee, boys…
She saw what Arkansaw, boys…

6. How did Flora-die, boys…
She died in Missouri, boys…

7. Where has Oregon, boys…
She's gone to Oklahom, boys…

(found in "Wee Sing Silly Songs," by Pamela Conn Beall & Susan Hagen Nipp)

Click to play

ABC format:

T:What Did Delaware?

-Joe Offer-^^

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: dick (hard bargainer) greenhaus
Date: 07 Feb 98 - 10:07 PM

OK- It'll be in the April 98 release. Honest.

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Feb 98 - 01:41 AM

You made my day, Dick. I've been doing taxes, and I needed a good laugh.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: KickyC
Date: 08 Feb 98 - 09:50 AM

Thanks guys for the quick response. Sorry you don't like the song, but I teach English to limited English-proficient high school students who aren't familiar with the states yet. A collegue had mention this song and it really is fun for the kids. I was surprised that it wasn't in the data base, but I knew I'd get some help here. Keep up the good work. By the way, the two of us are presenting at our state ESL conference in a couple of weeks and we are including your site as a great resource for teachers to use with students learning English, or any other subject for that matter. Thanks again!

Chris Clark

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 08 Feb 98 - 11:39 AM

Hi Chris- Probably the least important consideration in including a song in the Digital Tradition is whether or not I happen to like it. What's important is that SOMEONE does.

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: Jon W.
Date: 09 Feb 98 - 11:21 AM

This song is in the Prarie Home Companion Songbook, I think with tune and all, and many verses. I don't have the book, my wife had checked it out from the library a while ago.

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Subject: Lyr Add: WHAT DID DELAWARE?^^
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Feb 98 - 03:11 PM

Sounds like a cop-out to me, Jon. You just didn't want to do all that typing. I'm glad you pointed out the PHC version, though. Some of those verses are really a crackup. OK, so here is the Prairie Home Companion Amplified Version of "What Did Delaware?" We are very grateful to Brother Jon for pointing it out to us.

What did Delaware?
(traditional, as far as I know)

1. What did Delaware, boys,
What did Delaware?
What did Delaware, boys,
What did Delaware?
I ask you now as a personal friend,
What did Delaware?

She wore her New Jersey, boys (six times)
I tell you now as a personal friend,
She wore her New Jersey.

2. What did Idaho, boys….
She hoed her Maryland, boys…

3. What did Ioway, boys…
She weighed a Washington, boys…

4. How did Wiscon-sin, boys…
She stole a New-bras-key, boys…

5. What did Tennessee, boys…
She saw what Arkansaw, boys…

6. How did Flora-die, boys…
She died in Missouri, boys…

7. Where has Oregon, boys…
She's gone to Oklahom, boys…

a. How did Connecti-cut, boys…
He cut with his Arkan-saw…

b. Where has Ore-gone, boys…
She's taking Okla-home….

c. Where else has Ore-gone, boys…
She went to pay her Texas….

d. What else did Delaware, boys….
She wore her North Da-coat, boys…..

e. What did Missi-sip, boys…
She sipped her Minne-soda, boys…

[numbered verses found in "Wee Sing Silly Songs," by Pamela Conn Beall & Susan Hagen Nipp. Additional verses (with letters) from "A Prairie Home Companion Folk Song Book," by Marcia and Jon Pankake. The Pankakes say the tune is "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More." I'd say the tune is similar, but not exactly the same. -Joe Offer-]

Click to play

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: Tormid
Date: 20 Feb 98 - 03:59 AM

Our scout camp version had Misiss sipping "her old VirGIN" boys, as opposed to Minnesoda.

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Subject: RE: Need Lyrics for
From: Whippoorwill
Date: 20 Feb 98 - 03:24 PM

So did ours, but you know what those Scouts are like.

"Be Prepared, that's the Boy Scout marching song...."

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Subject: Tune Add: WHAT DID DELAWARE?^^
From: Joe Offer
Date: 06 Apr 98 - 02:27 AM

Click to play

ABC format:

T:What Did Delaware?

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Subject: RE: What did delaware
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 07 Jul 02 - 08:09 PM

Just linked back from a current thread; we seem to be missing lyrics here, anyone got the whole kaboodle ?
In between verses (IIRC) numbers up to 4 are counted in varying languages.


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Subject: Lyr Add: DELAWARE
From: masato sakurai
Date: 07 Jul 02 - 11:17 PM

Perry Como's version of it (From: HERE).


< drum roll >

Oh, what did Della wear boy,
What did Della wear?
What did Della wear boy,
What did Della wear?

She wore a bran' new jersey,
She wore a bran' new jersey,
She wore a bran' new jersey,
That's what she did wear.

One, two, three, four!

Oh, why did Calla 'phone ya,
Why did Calla phone?
Why did Calla 'phone ya,
Was she all alone?
She called to say how ar' ya,
She called to say how ar' ya,
She called to say how ar' ya,
That's why she did call.

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro! ( Spanish )

Oh, what did Mrs sip, boy,
What did Mrs sip?
What did Mrs sip, boy,
Through her pretty lips?
She sipped a mina-soda,
She sipped a mina-soda,
She sipped a mina-soda,
That's what she did sip.

Un, deux, trois, quatre! ( French )

Oh, where as Ore gone, boy,
Where has Ore gone?
If you want, I'll ask 'er,
I'll ask 'er where she's gone
She went to pay her taxes,
She went to pay her taxes,
She went to pay her taxes,
That's where she has gone.

Eins, zwei, drei, vier! ( German )

Oh, how did Wiscon sin, boy,
She stole a new brass key,
Too bad that Arkan saw, boy,
And so did Tenne see?
It made poor Flora die, boy,
It made poor Flora die, you see,
She died in misery, boy,
She died in misery.

Oh, what did Della wear boy,
What did Della wear?
What did Della wear boy,
What did Della wear?

< whistle out >

Music and Lyrics by Irving Gordon


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Subject: RE: What did delaware
From: George Seto -
Date: 07 Jul 02 - 11:58 PM

Nigel, did you look at the recent thread? I posted this link there

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: What Did Della Ware (tune & lyrics here)
From: Lighter
Date: 03 Feb 04 - 06:58 PM

Two or three stanzas are sung in the TV movie, "My Wicked, Wicked Ways," based on Errol Flynn's autobiography. The tune used there is, essentially, "Son a of a Gamboleer."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: What Did Della Ware (tune & lyrics he
From: GUEST,amers4
Date: 25 May 04 - 11:23 AM

I just stumbled on you all while looking for the tune online for this song. So excuse me as I step in here. :)

I'm a Sub Scout den leader and this song is listed in a Cub Scout songbook. The tune listed for it is "Our Boys Will Shine Tonight." Unfortunately I have never heard this song before so I was hoping to either find some sheet music or a midi/etc file. Anyway, just thought I'd hop in here and add the bit of info that I have.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: What Did Della Ware (tune & lyrics here)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 27 May 04 - 10:01 AM

As I remember it, the tune of OUR BOYS WILL SHINE TONIGHT is nothing like the tune of WHAT DID DELAWARE.

However, since you ask, and since OUR BOYS WILL SHINE TONIGHT has apparently never been discussed at Mudcat before, I started a new thread about it.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: What Did Della Ware (tune & lyrics he
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 27 May 04 - 10:08 AM

GUEST,amers4: I should have added: If you want to hear the tune of WHAT DID DELAWARE, assuming your computer is equipped to play midi files, you can click the link near the top of this thread, just after the list of related threads, where it says "What Did Delaware?".

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Subject: RE: What Did Della Ware (tune & lyrics here)
Date: 06 Jul 10 - 12:09 PM

I'm sure it's far from complete. But here's what I've got so far:

X:86 % number
T:What Did Delaware?
A c c d | A2 F2 | D F F G | F3 z |
w:What did Del-a-ware boys? What did Del-a-ware?
A c c d | A2 F2 | G F E F | G3 z |
w:What did Del-a-ware boys? What did Del-a-ware?
G G A B | c A G F | F D E F | G E D C |
w:she wore her brand New Jer--sey, she wore her brand new Jer--sey,
C D D E | E F2 B-| B A F G | E F3 |]
w:She wore her brand New Jer-sey,_ that's what she did wear!
%%begintext range-left
One, two, three, four

Why did Califo'nia? Why did Cali'fone?
Why did Califo'nia, was she all alone?
She called to say Hawaaii-ya? she called to say Hawaii-ya,
She called to say Hawaii-ya, that's why she did phone.

Uno, due, tres, quattro

What did Mississip boy? What did Mississip?
What did Mississip boy? Through her pretty lips?
She sipped a Minnesota, she sipped a minnesota,
she sipped a minnesotA, that's what she did sip.

Ein, zwei, drei, vir

Where has Oregon boy? Where has Oregon?
Where has Oregon boy, where has Oregon?
She's gone to pay her Texas, she's gone to pay her Texas,
She's gone to pay her Texas, that's where she has gone.

How did wisconsin boy? she stole a nebraskee,
Too bad that Arkansaw, boy, and so did Tennessee,
It made poor Florida boy, it made poor Florida, you see,
She died in Missouri, boy, she died in Missouri!

I, chi, ni, san

What did Idaho, boys, what did Idaho?
What did Idaho, boys, What did Idaho?
She hoed her maryland, boys, she hoed her maryland, boys.
She hoed her maryland, boys, yes that's what she did hoe.

What did Ioway boys, What did Ioway?
What did Ioway boys, what did Ioway?
She weighed a washington, boys, she weighed a washington, boys,
She weighed a washington, boys, yes that's what she did weigh.

Where has Oregon, boys? Where has Oregon?
Where has Oregon, boys, where has Oregon?
She went back Oklahome boys, she went back Oklahome, boys.
She went back Oklahome boys, I guess that's where she's gone.


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Subject: RE: Lyr/Tune Req: What Did Della Wear? / ...Della Ware
Date: 06 Jun 11 - 05:28 PM

what did Della wear, boys, what did Della ware -
she wore a brand new Jersey, she wore a brand new jersey-
she wore a brand new jersey, thats what she did wear.

what did Miss-i-sip, boys, what did miss--i-sip
she sipped a mini- sota --

where has Ore-gone - boys
he;s gone to pay his Tex-as

what does I-o-weigh
he wears a washing -ton

what did tenne-see
he saw what ark-an-saw

why;s she in missour=i
I dont know Al-aska---
I dont know Al-aska -- why she's feeling blue.

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