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Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss


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wilco 29 Aug 02 - 10:18 AM
JenEllen 29 Aug 02 - 10:26 AM
wilco 29 Aug 02 - 10:48 AM
Malcolm Douglas 29 Aug 02 - 10:54 AM
Alice 29 Aug 02 - 10:57 AM
Malcolm Douglas 29 Aug 02 - 11:05 AM
Alice 29 Aug 02 - 11:10 AM
nutty 29 Aug 02 - 05:20 PM
kytrad (Jean Ritchie) 18 Jan 03 - 05:49 PM
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Subject: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: wilco
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 10:18 AM

I've heard several songs with the verses:

D How old are you my pretty little miss, How old are you my my honey. D She said with a sweet tee-hee-hee A D I'll be sixteen next Sunday.

Where are you going my sweet little miss Where you going my honey. She said with a tee-hee-hee I'm gone to help my mummy.

Then, in various versions, the verses go everywhere to seductions, elopement, talking about going to the young girls home, etc. This sounds like a square dance tune, with many different versions. Where did it come from?

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: JenEllen
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 10:26 AM

Here for starters? The discussion links may have more information. Personal favourite is a Clancy Bros recording I have of this (somewhere)...If I can hunt it up I'll post lyric variations. ~J

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: wilco
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 10:48 AM

Thank you. Is it Sottish or English or Irish? I'll add "Whaur are ye gaun, my bonnie wee lass?" to my repertoire. Unfortunately, I will butcher the pronunciation. That is a great fit in a historical context. Being able to do a "Americanized 18th version" with an older version. I do this like Peggy Seeger suggested, with requests for the kids to reply. I also do a song called "fly Around My pretty Little Miss." It is apparently a later square dance version of this too.

Fly around my pretty little miss, fly around my daisy, Fly around my pretty little miss, You almost drive me crazy.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: Malcolm Douglas
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 10:54 AM

I'm Seventeen Come Sunday (often Sixteen) generally speaking, though other songs on the same theme have similar beginnings. The version you quote from sounds like an Appalachian one; certainly Cecil Sharp noted one there with the te hee hee hee bit. It's been widespread most places where English is spoken, but would be English or Scottish in origin.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: Alice
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 10:57 AM

There are lots of variants of this song in different countries. Look up AS I ROVED OUT and THE TROOPER AND THE MAID in the database. The tune in the database here for AS I ROVED OUT is different than the one recorded by the Clancy Brothers. For that sound clip, check it out at CDNOW, Clancy Brothers, album Irish Folk Songs, track 13 As I Roved

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: Malcolm Douglas
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 11:05 AM

Strictly speaking, The Trooper and the Maid (As I Roved Out in some forms, though a lot of unrelated songs share that title!)is a different song-group, though a similar story. It's an easy mistake to make, and I've made it myself in the past; somewhere round here, I think.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: Alice
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 11:10 AM

CDNOW labled that album wrong! I linked to the song title and then scanned the list of titles, immediately recognizing it is the recording of Irish folk songs by Davy Hammond, definitely not the Clancy Brothers.

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: nutty
Date: 29 Aug 02 - 05:20 PM

The Bodleian has this version printed circa 1860

Seventeen come Sunday

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: How old are you my pretty little miss
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 05:49 PM

Here's the first two verses and chorus of my dad's version:

Where are you goin my pretty little miss,
Where are you goin my daisy?
O, if I don't get me a young man soon
I think I'm a-goin crazy.
Hi rinktum-a-dinktum-a-diddle diddle dum,
Hi rinktum-a-dincktum-a-doody;
Hi rinktum-a-dinktum-a-diddle diddle dum,
Hi rinctum-a-dinktum-a-doody.

How old are you my pretty little miss,
How old are you my honey?
Well if I don't die of a broken heart,
I'll be sixteen next Sunday.

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