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Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)

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Pete Morton (17)
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Phia. 01 Dec 98 - 05:06 AM
Sam Hudson 01 Dec 98 - 10:15 AM
AndyG 02 Dec 98 - 04:25 AM
R.B. 03 Dec 98 - 05:12 AM
AndyG 03 Dec 98 - 10:25 AM
AndyG 03 Dec 98 - 10:28 AM
D. Towne 03 Dec 98 - 12:33 PM
Mo 03 Dec 98 - 05:26 PM
03 Dec 98 - 06:21 PM
Phia 03 Dec 98 - 06:26 PM
GUEST,Peter 06 Oct 00 - 06:15 PM
McGrath of Harlow 06 Oct 00 - 07:40 PM
black walnut 06 Oct 00 - 08:01 PM
M. Ted (inactive) 07 Oct 00 - 02:42 PM
GUEST,Peter 07 Oct 00 - 03:15 PM
M. Ted (inactive) 07 Oct 00 - 04:06 PM
GUEST,Peter 07 Oct 00 - 04:38 PM
M. Ted (inactive) 09 Oct 00 - 09:30 AM
mrs_zezam 09 Oct 00 - 11:43 AM
Indy Lass 09 Oct 00 - 11:07 PM
GUEST,John Hill 10 Oct 00 - 07:49 AM
Hamish 10 Oct 00 - 07:58 AM
Zebedee 10 Nov 00 - 11:53 AM
Zebedee 10 Nov 00 - 05:21 PM
GUEST,Rod Jenkins 12 Jun 13 - 05:56 AM
GUEST,Gerry 12 Jun 13 - 08:39 AM
Anne Lister 12 Jun 13 - 06:16 PM
Joe Offer 22 Mar 21 - 08:14 PM
GerryM 23 Mar 21 - 04:15 AM
GUEST,henryp 24 Mar 21 - 04:59 PM
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Subject: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: Phia.
Date: 01 Dec 98 - 05:06 AM

Looking for female artist and song/cd title. The rest of the song is ... so get up and climb aboard.

Thank you in advance for any help.

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Subject: RE: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: Sam Hudson
Date: 01 Dec 98 - 10:15 AM

I think the song you have in mind is by the English singer/songwriter, Pete Morton. It's a fine song! As for a female singer who's recorded it, I know Eileen McGann has done it:

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Subject: RE: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: AndyG
Date: 02 Dec 98 - 04:25 AM

I saw Pete at a gig last night, he said he thought The Poozies had recorded the song.
More detail about Pete is available on the web through the Harbourtown Records Web Site.
Pete said he'd asked Harbourtown to put the lyrics of Another Train on the site, but I couldn't find them. I'll post them here when I've had chance to do the transcription.


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Subject: Re: Another train there always is...
From: R.B.
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 05:12 AM

Great song, I think the other guys were on the wrong track. (sorry, poor pun) I wish I could remember more but here is all I know. If more comes to mind I'll post it.

I beleive the artist was a singer/song writer from the Austin Tx. music scene. She passed away 5-10 years ago and they held a benifit concert to help pay her medical bills. Sorry, don't remeber her name, the record title might be, 'This rythm is mine', but I had no luck finding it.

I can add only a little to your lyrics.

There's another train there always is so get up and climb aboard another train

Don't look back at past mistakes ??? and past regrets will only drain you.

Hope this helps in your search. You might try calling your favorite folk radio station, the song still gets a little air time.

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Subject: Lyr Add: ANOTHER TRAIN (Pete Morton)
From: AndyG
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 10:25 AM

(Pete Morton)

The beginning is now,
it will always be.
You say you lost your chance,
then fate brought you defeat.
But that means nothing,
you look so sad.
You've been listening to those,
who say you missed your chance.

There's another train,
there always is.
Maybe the next, one is yours,
get up and climb aboard,
another train.

You may feel your done,
but there's no such thing.
Although your standing on your own,
your own breath is king.
The beginning is now,
don't turn around.
for regrets about mistakes,
they will only drain.

We crawl in the dark sometimes,
we think too much.
We fill our heads with the craziest things,
that only break our hearts.
I know you've seen,
what this earth can do.
When it's dragging down another load,
that's worrysome for you.

I know it's hard,
we can feel confused.
We can cram ourselves with it all,
'til we feel we cannot move.
Building worlds,
that don't exist.
Imagination sometimes plays,
the worst tricks.

There's another train,
there always is.
Maybe the next, one is yours,
get up and climb aboard.

There's another train,
there always is,
Maybe the next, one is yours,
get up and climb aboard,
another train.

Lyrics and tune: Pete Morton
Recorded on: Jo Freya & Pete Morton B.T.L.CD2 1997
(thanks to Pete Morton for his permission to post)

I'm pretty sure this is the one.

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Subject: RE: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: AndyG
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 10:28 AM

Lyrics have been posted in the other thread. Click here


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Subject: RE: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: D. Towne
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 12:33 PM

Well, I just posted my own question to this board yesterday, and by coincidence (?) I think I happen to know the answer to this question. Consider it a payback for the help I've gotten so far (thank you Dale and Joe).

As I said in my question, I'm the farthest thing from a folk expert, but I believe that the artist/album you are thinking of is Sally Barker, "This Rhythm is Mine" (1990). I think it can be special ordered from

I had searched for info on this song, too, after it was given to me, untitled and unattributed, on a tape. I found it once and misplaced the note; your message prompted me to search again. Great lyrics, beautiful voice.

Re: the comments from Sam and AndyG, I note that Sally was a founding member of the Poozies, and has recorded songs with Pete Morton, as well.

I hope this helps.


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Subject: RE: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: Mo
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 05:26 PM

And yes, the Poozies(of which Sally Barker was once a member) recorded this on their first album!


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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 06:21 PM

That's it!! Thank you so much for your help, time and efforts.


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Subject: RE: There is another train, there always is. . .
From: Phia
Date: 03 Dec 98 - 06:26 PM

Thank you all!! Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: GUEST,Peter
Date: 06 Oct 00 - 06:15 PM

The Pete Morton thread reminded me of this song.

Does anyone know the chords?

Thanks in advance


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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 06 Oct 00 - 07:40 PM

First time I ever heard that one was at a singaround in Buntingford, a few miles from here. There used to be a railway station at Buntingford, but they closed the line down. Then I heard it ast Sidmouth. There used to be a train line going there too.

I've got the song filed in my mind as the obverse of City of New Orleans.

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: black walnut
Date: 06 Oct 00 - 08:01 PM

a couple of us have been talking about 'Another Train' on the thread "What are you working on right now?"....

~black walnut

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: M. Ted (inactive)
Date: 07 Oct 00 - 02:42 PM

Yes--we've got about three threads, what with this, Pete Morton, and "what are you working on now.." basically discussing the same song--Almost as many threads as there are posters--

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: GUEST,Peter
Date: 07 Oct 00 - 03:15 PM

But can someone give me the chords please?


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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: M. Ted (inactive)
Date: 07 Oct 00 - 04:06 PM

Tell me what key you want them in--The recording I have is Ab--

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: GUEST,Peter
Date: 07 Oct 00 - 04:38 PM

M Ted,

If the recording is in Ab, then the chords in Ab would be great.

Many thanks


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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: M. Ted (inactive)
Date: 09 Oct 00 - 09:30 AM

Even though you asked for this in Ab, I am giving it to you in C, because it a pain to play in Ab on the guitar, and it is a fairly standard thing in C, moving down in the bass to G on the guitar(people used to thing of it as the "Mr. Bojangles" progression, but it really comes from the Pachelbel Canon, a classical piece, written about three hundred years ago)

The song simply repeats this chord progression, four slow, stately beats to the measure(two counts on each chord)both verse and chorus(the slash marks divide the measures):


Basically, you move downwards scale-wise from the bass C note,C-B-A-G, then change to the F chord, and do the same, F-E-D-D but instead of moving to the C note on the last two counts, you stay on the D note and play G7 chord--

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: mrs_zezam
Date: 09 Oct 00 - 11:43 AM

M.Ted, thanks for chords & explanation. My recording is in C and I was playing with this over the weekend. (In the verse section I hear Am and Dm before F and G7?) I need to go study yours now... this is great!

Mrs. Z

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: Indy Lass
Date: 09 Oct 00 - 11:07 PM

I think I've heard this song recorded by the Poozies on their retrospective CD.

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: GUEST,John Hill
Date: 10 Oct 00 - 07:49 AM

Great song. But listen to Pete Morton's LP "One big Joke" for the original recording (and lyrics) ... now on CD too.
If anyone is in Leicstershire on 10th Nov. Pete Morton will be at Charnwood Folk Club, Royal Oak, Rothley Saturday at 20:00. phone John: 01509 814883, Elaine 01530 835686

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Subject: RE: Re: Another train there always is...
From: Hamish
Date: 10 Oct 00 - 07:58 AM

Yep: the Poozies did a great close harmony unaccompanied version on their first album. Also I was listening to Eileen McGann's version thius very morning while driving to work. That's good, too.

Hamish Tudor Folk Club and other folk stuff

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Subject: Pete Morton: 'Another Train'
From: Zebedee
Date: 10 Nov 00 - 11:53 AM

This is a long shot, but I'll try anyway...

Does anyone have a .mp3 or .wav file (or could make one) of Pete Morton's 'Another Train' that they'd be willing to share with me?

I had the tape of 'One Big Joke' but having searched through my (albeit chaotic) tape boxes several times, I seem to have lost it.

I've 'phoned every record shop within reach, to try and buy the CD, but none have it in stock.

The reason for my urgency is that I'm seeing a friend of mine tomorrow, who has just lost her job, and is feeling very down. I don't see her very often, hence needing a recording now.

I remember a few years back when I lost my job, I felt that my whole world had fallen in. I listened to 'Another Train' endlessly, and it really helped me. I'm hoping to offer my friend similar solace.

I know that the song has been discussed a few times here, so I'll be able to give her the lyrics.

I've also managed to find versions by The Poozies and Sally Barker on Napster, but it's the Pete Morton original that I really want.

If anyone can help, I'd be hugely grateful.

Thank you


If anyone thinks I'm trying to get a 'free' copy be assured that I've already ordered a CD copy. It won't come 'til next week though.

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Subject: RE: Help: Pete Morton: 'Another Train'
From: Zebedee
Date: 10 Nov 00 - 05:21 PM

refresh - I know it's asking a lot - anyone?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)
From: GUEST,Rod Jenkins
Date: 12 Jun 13 - 05:56 AM

Recorded by Sally Barker on the album "This rhythm is mine" - 1990.
Great song.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)
From: GUEST,Gerry
Date: 12 Jun 13 - 08:39 AM

There is also a good recording of this song on a CD by the Australian band, Blackwood.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)
From: Anne Lister
Date: 12 Jun 13 - 06:16 PM

Come and participate in a songwriting workshop co-facilitated by the man himself ... see my specific thread! June 22nd, Abergavenny, South Wales, UK.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 22 Mar 21 - 08:14 PM

from Rob & Rosie:

Joe, Pete Morton lyrics V2; regrets and sad mistakes will only drain you.

V3 originally Pete sang "dragging down another load of worrisime fools"    I think he felt that the way other people sang this sounded superior so changed what he sang to " dragging down another load of us worrisome fools" The last few times I have heard him sing it he sang; "dragging down another load of us
us worrisome fools"

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)
From: GerryM
Date: 23 Mar 21 - 04:15 AM

There's a performance by Pete Morton from 2013 at

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another Train (Pete Morton)
From: GUEST,henryp
Date: 24 Mar 21 - 04:59 PM

Pete's later version;

We crawl in the dark sometimes,
We can think too much.
We can fill our heads with the craziest things
That only break our hearts.
I know you've seen,
What this earth can do,
When it's dragging down another load of us
Who think we are no use.

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