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Listen to the Nightingale?


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Equality Jack 17 Jan 99 - 06:32 PM
Mike Billo 17 Jan 99 - 06:41 PM
Barbara 17 Jan 99 - 06:56 PM
rois 24 Jan 99 - 06:44 PM
Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin 24 Jan 99 - 06:52 PM
Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin 24 Jan 99 - 06:52 PM
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Subject: Listen to the Nightingale?
From: Equality Jack
Date: 17 Jan 99 - 06:32 PM

Does anyone know where I can find a recording of this tune, on the web or off? I couldn't tell you who wrote it but it's an oldie (late 1800's?) Anyone heard of it?

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Subject: RE: Listen to the Nightingale?
From: Mike Billo
Date: 17 Jan 99 - 06:41 PM

There is an old song with the line "they all sat down together to hear the Nihgtingale sing" recorded by Liam Clancy (among others), or maybe it's the old fiddle tune, "Listen to the Mockingbird".

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Subject: RE: Listen to the Nightingale?
From: Barbara
Date: 17 Jan 99 - 06:56 PM

Both have words in the database, use nightingale or mockingbird to get them. Isn't "Listen to the MOckingbird" a Stephen Foster song? Let me check.

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Subject: RE: Listen to the Nightingale?
From: rois
Date: 24 Jan 99 - 06:44 PM

Look for a recording also by Sean Dunphy, and a female, I believe Mary McGonigle. Sorry I don't have the additional verses - goes on that the girls asks when they will marry only to be told that he has a wife in another country - Whoops!

VERSE As I went a walking one morning in May I spied a young couple who fondly did stray And one was a young maid so sweet and so fair And one was a soldier and a brave grenadaire

CHORUS And they kissed so sweet and comforting as they clung to each other, They went arm and arm down the road like a sister and brother, They went arm and arm down the road 'til they came to a stream and they both sat down together love to hear the nightingale sing,

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Subject: RE: Listen to the Nightingale?
From: Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin
Date: 24 Jan 99 - 06:52 PM

You should hear the fond tail
Of the sweet nightingale
As she sings in the valley below

I'm sure some of our Cornish connections can fill in something about this, should it happen to be the song in question.

Dew genough-why

Bobby Bob

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Subject: RE: Listen to the Nightingale?
From: Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin
Date: 24 Jan 99 - 06:52 PM

You should hear the fond tale
Of the sweet nightingale
As she sings in the valley below

I'm sure some of our Cornish connections can fill in something about this, should it happen to be the song in question.

Dew genough-why

Bobby Bob

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