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ADD: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (bawdy)

21 Jun 23 - 06:57 AM (#4175135)
Subject: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

Did you ever see Sally make water
She she pisses a wonderfull stream
Well it goes for a mile and a quarter
But you can't see her ass for the steam

She raised her ass up towards heaven
And let out a wonder full pee
Well it looked like a cave in the mountain
But it smelled like dead fish in the sea.

Transcribed from the following video: Citico String Band - DID YOU EVER SEE SALLY MAKE WATER

You tube video online here:

Variants and references to follow.

21 Jun 23 - 07:03 AM (#4175136)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

Did you ever see Sally make water
She pisses beautiful stream
[.......] a mile and quarter
You cant see her ass for the steam

Lacuna is because of background noise in the recording. I don't know what is sung.

Transcribed from collection online here:

Any help identifying the tune used in the recordings is appreciated.

21 Jun 23 - 07:05 AM (#4175138)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

Did you ever see Miss Margaret boil water?
Man, she hisses a wonderful stream,
Seventeen miles and a quarter,
Man, and you can't see her pot for the steam..."

An expurgated version from Ralph Elison's Invisible Man

See here:

21 Jun 23 - 07:07 AM (#4175139)
From: and e


Have you ever seen Nellie make water?
She pisses a hell of a stream.
She shoots it a mile and quarter,
And you can't see her ass for the steam!

Pg 56, an Untitled Marine songbook ca 1943.

See online here:

21 Jun 23 - 07:09 AM (#4175140)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

Did you every see Sally make water;
she can pee such a beautiful stream;
she can pee on your foot as you day dream;
oh, she runs the water machine.

Pg 88, A Story of the Fifth Longest Held POW in US History, 2012, by Ray Vohden.

21 Jun 23 - 07:11 AM (#4175141)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e


I love to see Nellie make water
She pisses a beautiful stream
She shoots it a mile and a quarter
And you can't see her asshole for stream.

Pg 10, A Collection of Sea Songs and Ditties by Dave E Jones, [1928].

See online here:

21 Jun 23 - 07:13 AM (#4175142)
Subject: RE: Mrs Murph's Daughter (w/see Mary Make Water)
From: and e


Mrs. Murphy, Where's your daughter?
We came over to have some fun,
She's upstairs a makin' water,
She'll be down when she is done.

I love to see Mary make water,
She can pee such a beautiful stream,
She can pee for a mile and a quarter,
You can't see her ass for the steam.

Pg 16, Devilcat Songs, 1953.

See online:

21 Jun 23 - 07:16 AM (#4175143)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Selly Make Water
From: and e

52. Did you ever see Selly make water,
she has a terrible stream.
She piss's three miles and a quarter,
you could'nt see Selly for stream.

(Aus Hamburger Abtritten. 1906.)

Pg 322, Anthropophyteia, Vol. 4., 1907.

See online here:

21 Jun 23 - 07:37 AM (#4175149)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

"I love to see Mary Make water," he would sing, with tender yearning in his voice,
She can pee such a beautiful stree-ee-ee-eam.
She can pee for a mile and a quarter
(long pause)
And you can't see her ass for the steam!

Pg 169, Flights of Passage: Recollections of a World War II Aviator by Samuel Lynn Hynes, 2005.

See online here:

21 Jun 23 - 08:13 AM (#4175157)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: cnd

Your lacuna from the second song sounds to me like "She pisses three miles and a quarter," though it is tough to hear.

Devilcat Songs and a comment on the first youtube video note the tune as "My Bonnie." The Giffordmusic one sounds very reminiscent of Old Rosin the Beau. The Citico Band's one is close, but a bit more freely sung, so it's hard for me to positively ID.

21 Jun 23 - 08:14 AM (#4175158)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: cnd

I should clarify -- the comment on the first youtube video notes that their father sang it to the tune of My Bonnie, though Citico band obviously does not.

21 Jun 23 - 07:51 PM (#4175194)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e I had transformed a bawdy verse that I'd learned in my teens
from a respected pharmacist.

Did you ever see Miss Margaret make water?
She pisses a wonderful stream,
Seventeen miles and a quarter,
And you an't see here twat for the steam.

You can see what I did to those noble lines on p. 179 of IM [Invisible Man].

Pg 781, The Select Letters of Ralph Ellison

See online here:

21 Jun 23 - 08:53 PM (#4175196)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

The version my extended family used to sing was even worse:

If I had the wings of an angel,
And a prick as white as snow,
I'd climb to the top of a mountain,
And piss on the people below.

I love to see Nellie make water,
She pisses a beautiful stream;
She shoots it a mile and a quarter,
And you can't see her asshole for steam.

I would welcome contributions. My family learned this ditty from noted
ornathologist and sailor Dennis Puleston of Brookhaven, Long Island, back in the 1940's.

Posted by GUEST,Roll&Go-C, 6 Feburary 2001.

See here:

22 Jun 23 - 04:15 AM (#4175210)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: Acorn4

My Grandad came out with this one once - no idea where he got it from.

22 Jun 23 - 06:17 AM (#4175219)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: GUEST,Hootenanny

Btitish army variation on The Prisoner's Song / Meet me by Moonlight

If I had the wings of a angel
And the arse of a bloody great crow
I'd fly to the top of the drill sheds
And shit on the sergeants below

referring to the DRill Sergeants

22 Jun 23 - 09:10 AM (#4175236)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e

If I had the wings of an angel,
And a prick as white as snow,
I'd climb to the top of a mountain,
And piss on the people below.

I love to see Nellie make water,
She pisses a beautiful stream;
She shoots it a mile and a quarter,
And you can't see her asshole for steam

Transcribed from a field recording of untitled song sung by Charlie Noble, recorded Dec 9, 2004.

Download mp3 at here:

The tune is "The Prisoner's Song"

22 Jun 23 - 04:34 PM (#4175246)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: and e


Oh have you ever seen Sally make water
She pisses a wonderful stream
And it goes for a mile and a quarter
You cant see her ass for the steam

She turned her ass up towards heaven
And she let out a wonderful pee
It look like a cave in the mountain
And it smelled like dead fish in the sea

Someone asks: "Is that all of that?"
Harper McBee's response: "Hell ain't that enough? My God!"

Transcribed from "Sally Make Water" sung by Hamper McBee. The youtube video is from
The Good Old-Fashioned Way: Hamper McBee of Monteagle, Tennessee.
The recordings on the CD were done by Charles Wolfe and Sol Korine in 1977-78
and the original field recordings are located in the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)
Center for Popular Music archive.

See youtube video here:

The CD is available on Amazon here:

23 Jun 23 - 09:58 AM (#4175288)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
From: GUEST,and e (no cookie)

Did you ever see Sally make water?
She pisses a beautifull stream
she can piss a mile and quater
she's a regular pissing machine

From New York in the 1940s

Did you ever see Sally make water?
She pisses a beautifull stream
she can piss a mile and quater
you can't see her ass for the steam.

From Florica in the 1960s.

Have you seen our Sally make water
She sits and makes a flowing strream
She piddles 3 pints and a quarter
And you can't see her bottom for the steam

From an internet commentator, no date specified.

Three texts and provenances from Young-Girls in Echoland by Heather Warren-Crow and Andrea Jonsson.

18 Mar 25 - 05:40 PM (#4219385)
Subject: RE: ADD: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (bawdy)

I heard it as:

Did you ever see Nelly make water
Down by the old mill stream?
She pissed for an hour and a quarter
You couldn't see Nelly for steam

19 Mar 25 - 08:24 PM (#4219474)
Subject: RE: ADD: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (bawdy)
From: Charley Noble

It is amazing to see this old bawdy party song rise to the top again.

"Roll & Go" and "Charley Noble" above were of course myself. I don't think I've ever led that song in public but, who knows, maybe the opportunity will arise.

Charlie Ipcar