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folkie proverbs

13 Sep 02 - 05:21 PM (#783370)
Subject: folkie poverbs
From: GUEST,

A carpenter friend is always dropping his trade's rules of thumb into conversation: "Measure twice, cut once"; "take care of your tools and they'll take care of you"; "buy another man's tools, you buy another man's troubles." Do folkies have this kind of occupational lore? I'd like to collect some for one of the sub-pages at the Missouri Folklore Society's website. Anybody who wants to play, it'd be good to have the proverb, any necessary explanation, and the year and place you first heard it. Any interest?


13 Sep 02 - 05:26 PM (#783375)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie poverbs
From: Amos

What an interesting question! If I know any, they're buried.

But I'll see if I can think of any!


13 Sep 02 - 05:36 PM (#783382)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie poverbs
From: Clinton Hammond

Sometimes you play the gig... Sometimes the gig plays you...

If it's out of tune, it's too far out of tune...

13 Sep 02 - 06:04 PM (#783397)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie poverbs
From: Eric the Viking

One melodeon ok, two melodeons bad, half a melodeon better!

Only joking, but it might catch on!(I've nothing against them personally, but they seem to be the but of the gentle insults-maybe it should be bodhrans or banjos or guitars!)

13 Sep 02 - 06:09 PM (#783401)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie poverbs
From: Wesley S

We tune because we care ?

13 Sep 02 - 06:10 PM (#783404)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie poverbs
From: Clinton Hammond

No you don't Wes... you tune because it's the LAW!


13 Sep 02 - 06:25 PM (#783409)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie poverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

Tuning is for wimps.

Good enough for folk.

13 Sep 02 - 06:32 PM (#783412)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Clinton Hammond

You'd know all about being a wimp eh MgoH...

13 Sep 02 - 07:03 PM (#783436)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Little Hawk

No Dylan song can be overanalyzed...

(and by the way, they don't have anything to do with drugs, I'm sad to tell 99% of cases)

- LH

13 Sep 02 - 07:08 PM (#783442)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Little Hawk

What's the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of the road and a dead folksinger in the middle of the road?

The skunk was on his way to a paying gig.

Does that count?

There have been a few legendary exceptions to the above general rule...Baez, Dylan, PPM, etc...most of whom were accused of "selling out" by various envious people at various times, who wished they could've done it too. Most, but not all of these exceptions were managed or at least courted by Albert Grossman, the king of paying gig arrangement.

- LH

13 Sep 02 - 07:09 PM (#783444)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

Have you got no homes to go to!

Show me the way to go home - I'm tired and I want to go to bed.

13 Sep 02 - 07:19 PM (#783453)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Very very old, but true--a lutenist spends 70% of the time tuning, the rest of the time playing out of tune.

I'll try to invent a couple just to keep the ball in the air while the real folk think it over.

To each his own, or it's equivalent.

It's better to have tuned and mis-tuned, than never to have tuned at all.

A banjo in the hand is worth two in the van.

If the mountain music won't come to Mohamed, Mohamed must go to the mountain music.

13 Sep 02 - 07:26 PM (#783458)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Amos

"Close enough for folk music" is the one every folkie has heard.

"Ain't no horse sang it", attributed to Bill Broonzy on the Topic that Shall Not Be Named ('what is folk music, anyway?) is widely known, also. Folkies are very fond of the ancient expression, "Alas my love you do me wrong...:". This goes hand in hand with the old saw "What do you call a folkie who has broken up with his girlfriend?"..."Homeless".

I suppose you could start some new ones -- "A string in time saves one", for example. "Fools use chords that wise men never play". "The devil finds keys for idle capos". "Better to be hung for a banjo player than hung for a bodhran player".

But no-one has head these before!


13 Sep 02 - 07:35 PM (#783473)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Hell, I've still got four strings..."

"I think it's time we tuned up."

"I may be too drunk to tune, but I can still play."

(They really ought to be applicable in other contexts, using the folk music experience as a metaphor fro life generally.)

13 Sep 02 - 08:22 PM (#783508)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Morticia

My daughter insists that the folkie rule is; " and they all died"

13 Sep 02 - 08:22 PM (#783521)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Sister7

--I've quoted Dylan's words as proverbial. Dylans tunes were what he saw as he walked through dylan's life. There were pumps, and the vandals had taken the handles. The pumps were for the people. Free water. The water companys arranged for the handles to be taken. Who cares if the city workers were ordered to do it? Did anyone ask you, the end user? Having to pay for water when your pipes don't work and you can't afford repair is a bitch. Dylan was angry. --So you guys stick with it. You are needed by this generation, and the next, and ... if you quit, who will sing to their muses? Huh?

13 Sep 02 - 08:22 PM (#783522)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Leadfingers

I always it was 'Its close enough for Folk and Government work'.

13 Sep 02 - 08:26 PM (#783523)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

"In the people's key of G"

13 Sep 02 - 09:51 PM (#783566)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Leadfingers

After Always insert THOUGHT.

14 Sep 02 - 12:05 AM (#783627)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,

Inserting thought is usually a good thing. But keep 'em coming -- are there particular situations you have sayings for -- somebody fails to turn up, or turns up when they might as well not have, etc.?


14 Sep 02 - 12:16 AM (#783631)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Bert

It was in tune when I bought it!

14 Sep 02 - 09:06 AM (#783753)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Well, it's not a proverb, but at my parent's folkie gatherings someone used to do a little blessing giving thanks for the friends here with us today, and for some others who thankfully are not with us here today.

Folkies should have a patron saint of lost verses.

14 Sep 02 - 03:37 PM (#783959)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Sandy Paton

Seattle, 1946: "Blessed are those who count, for they shall keep time."

14 Sep 02 - 04:01 PM (#783968)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

Of course there's always what Thoreau wrote, which seesm remarkably apposite to folkies, literally and metaphorically: If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

14 Sep 02 - 04:07 PM (#783971)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Bat Goddess

"There are no bad notes, just bad choices." Or something like that -- said by Rick Watson.


14 Sep 02 - 04:38 PM (#783989)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

There's is never a right version of a song, just a variant you might like better.

14 Sep 02 - 04:46 PM (#784002)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Little Hawk

Thank you, Sister7. Your comments are accurate and thoroughly appreciated, at least by me. The vandals have indeed taken the handles. We pay for it every day. In Cuba I saw people who had enough smarts,and initiative to make their own handles, instead of going to the mall and buying themselves a pacifier or two to kill the pain of being rendered helpless, meaningless, and ridiculous.

- LH

14 Sep 02 - 04:56 PM (#784008)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: dick greenhaus

To pick is human; to tune, divine

Real folksingers have day jobs.

14 Sep 02 - 05:37 PM (#784036)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

If you play it fast enough they won't notice the mistakes.

14 Sep 02 - 06:26 PM (#784067)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Liz the Squeak

They will always play the tunes you know when you don't have your instrument with you.

If you do have it with you, they will always play the tunes you know, whilst you are at the bar or in the toilet.

Otherwise known as St Cecilia's law and amendments.


14 Sep 02 - 06:46 PM (#784078)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Gareth

In "Sir Patrick Spens I clean forgot the 42nd verse
So I sang the 22nd, twice as loud and in reverse
And no one noticed it......


14 Sep 02 - 06:48 PM (#784083)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

I took my harp to a party, and nobody asked me to play.

14 Sep 02 - 07:04 PM (#784094)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

I said I wanted to sing unaccompanied, so they all left the room.

14 Sep 02 - 07:35 PM (#784104)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Mudlark

It sounded better in the store...

The opening thread reminded me of a favorite carpenter's haiku...I know the construction (little carpenter joke) isn't quite right but it went something like

I cut
I cut again
Leg still too short

14 Sep 02 - 07:55 PM (#784111)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Barbara

It sounded better when I was rehearsing it.
Okay, that's three excuses-- now you have to sing/play it.
or, You've used up your excuses, now play.
Autoharps stay in tune unless 1. the temperature changes more than two degrees or 2. until you start to play.
One wrong note is a mistake, two is jazz.

14 Sep 02 - 08:14 PM (#784121)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

"If you keep on picking that thing it'll never get better!"

14 Sep 02 - 08:53 PM (#784135)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Micca

Kevin the "folkie2 varient I heard was." Some march to the beat of a different drum, some Polka"!!!!!!

15 Sep 02 - 05:48 AM (#784257)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Gurney

To a heckler.... "Spoken like a true professional. - YOUR MOTHER!" dickgreenhaus.. Day jobs, love it! Gareth.. I used to sing 'The Folker' too.

15 Sep 02 - 06:57 AM (#784273)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Paulo

I think this one came from Diz Disley - The trick is to get it in tune, and then weld it.

15 Sep 02 - 09:57 AM (#784336)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,iamjohnne

You can pick your friends And you can pick your nose, You just can't pick your friend's nose.

15 Sep 02 - 11:31 AM (#784400)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Little Hawk

"I'm a bit out of practice on this one, but we'll see how it goes..."

"Anybody got a capo?"

"And you'll notice that the fingers never leave the hands..."

"It goes somethin' like this..."

- LH

15 Sep 02 - 11:38 AM (#784403)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

"What have we just been playing?"

"What key were you playing in?"

"I thought I knew that one."

15 Sep 02 - 11:43 AM (#784406)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Sorcha

Tune it or DIE!!

15 Sep 02 - 01:32 PM (#784471)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Sibelius

Collective noun for folkies: a barful.

15 Sep 02 - 01:44 PM (#784480)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Leadfingers

At Falmouth Folk Festival,1976,it was agreed after some discussion that the best any Folk performance can ever be is adage I have lived by ever since,especially on the rare occasions I managed an 'Average'myself

15 Sep 02 - 01:51 PM (#784484)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

(Superficially plausible but logcally impossible, Leadfingers. Given some of the terrible stuff we all do sometimes, that would mean that the average was well below average...)

"Like looking for a plectrum on a pub floor."

15 Sep 02 - 02:18 PM (#784498)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Dave Swan

A folkie with beer is a folkie with friends.

Whose auto runs best will never arrive at a session alone.

15 Sep 02 - 05:50 PM (#784627)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Gray D (in a cybercafe)

One of my favourite intro's (God bless Cosmotheka):-

"We've had a request not to do the next number.

But we don't do requests, so here it is."

15 Sep 02 - 06:14 PM (#784640)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Fortunato

"No matter what you do, never, ever eat the fish sandiwich at Eddie Leonard's Sandwich Shoppe." Washington DC, 1978.

15 Sep 02 - 06:19 PM (#784646)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,eoin o'buadhaigh

I'm not drunk but my fingers are. I 'learnt' it by ear - but I think he was drunk when he played it for me. Thats funny, the guy I learned the song from left out the last three verses as well. A bird never flew on one wing! so sing another song.

15 Sep 02 - 06:45 PM (#784671)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

From another thread, a pub landlady speaking about a session:

""...I don't pay them, they just turn up and appear to be a little clique of their own really."

15 Sep 02 - 08:24 PM (#784730)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Leadfingers

Mcgrath,I somehow have the feeling that was the whole point of the discussion at Falmouth.And some of the booked artistes were part of the discussion.

15 Sep 02 - 08:34 PM (#784731)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Don Firth

"Most folkies play by ear, but I'll use my fingers."

Not specifically folk, but good advice anyway: "Never squat with your spurs on."

Don Firth

16 Sep 02 - 08:36 AM (#785007)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: rich-joy

"Well, it's a harmony somewhere in the world ..." (first heard : Frankie Armstrong voice workshops, c.1985)

Cheers! R-J

16 Sep 02 - 09:21 AM (#785044)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Les from Hull

Last one with the tune is a wimp.

16 Sep 02 - 12:54 PM (#785225)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Those who can't play sing; those who can't sing dance. Those who can't dance play."

16 Sep 02 - 04:35 PM (#785398)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Wesley S

Electic guitars don't play bad music - people play bad music.

16 Sep 02 - 04:37 PM (#785402)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

Elecric guitars don't make bad music. But they make it louder.

16 Sep 02 - 04:51 PM (#785422)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Liz the Squeak

I like the one that turned up in another thread, about ceilidh musicians.... Bloody musicians, can't dance with 'em, can't dance without 'em.

And the drummer's proverb....

A bird with a van is worth two in the back.


16 Sep 02 - 06:01 PM (#785484)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Hawker

The one I heard was with reference to pipe playing:
7 years learning 7 years practising and 7 years playing...... and then you are a piper!
KB says the same about bodhran playing (& he is a veteran of at least 26 years)
If you can't play it well, play it LOUD!
Dylan? wasn't he in Magic roundabout?
Cheers, Lucy

18 Sep 02 - 05:06 AM (#786470)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: HuwG

"When it sounds awful, it's because everyone else is out of tune"

"Folk music has no Complaints Department"

18 Sep 02 - 05:31 AM (#786482)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Brian

If you ask me to play the Wild Rover, the answer will be
No! Nay! Never!.........

18 Sep 02 - 07:03 AM (#786533)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Janice in NJ

Andy Cohen after playing some flashy ragtime showpiece: All those notes are on your guitar, too. You just got to know where to find them.

18 Sep 02 - 07:58 AM (#786571)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,eoin

wasn't it Donovan who had a notice stuck to his guitar saying...THIS MACHINE KILLS. I always wondered, was he going to kill by, playing it or hitting someone with it?

18 Sep 02 - 08:30 AM (#786587)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: treewind

The other one on requests:

We've had a request....
but we're going to go on playing anyway!


18 Sep 02 - 09:37 AM (#786624)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: gwonya

music's the brandy of the damned.

...that one always gives me a warm feeling all over.

18 Sep 02 - 09:46 AM (#786629)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

from 101 folkie insults: If music be the food of love, shut up.

18 Sep 02 - 09:54 AM (#786635)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Don't drink too much bear, or yoo might fall over.john

18 Sep 02 - 12:35 PM (#786781)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Les B.

Said about another musician - "He thinks Time is just a magazine!"

18 Sep 02 - 01:55 PM (#786833)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Bentley

If you don't know the words,take your shoe's off and hum!

18 Sep 02 - 02:09 PM (#786843)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Clinton Hammond

Well, I gust fot some stickers from a chum of mine who found Arrogant Bastard Ale at a beer fest... and the stickers read

"Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies"

Folkie or not, it's good words to live by!


Also there's a good quote about the music industry...

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." --Hunter S. Thompson

18 Sep 02 - 08:40 PM (#787107)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Yorkshire Tony

I've never tried drinking a bear John. What do they taste like? I would imagine it would be even chewier than Guiness.

19 Sep 02 - 02:16 AM (#787252)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Liz the Squeak

Can I pedant here for a minute?

There don't actually appear to be many proverbs here... similies, quotes and adages yes, proverbs, very few.

Pedant over. Would a sulky pedant be pedulant???

Just to throw my pen'orth in... Les Barker (may his shadow never grow thinner) in concert in say, Towersey, will often say, 'Here's one that someone requested - in Sidmouth'.


19 Sep 02 - 05:50 AM (#787322)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: rich-joy

slight thread creep LTS, whilst I reply to "GUEST, eoin" :
I seem to recall that the reason for Donovan's sign on his guitar of "This Machine Kills", came from Woody Guthrie (one of his heroes?) and was completed by the word "Hypocracy" (don't know if were there any others ...)

Cheers! R-J

19 Sep 02 - 06:10 AM (#787329)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs

I thought it was This machine kills fascists.

19 Sep 02 - 06:55 AM (#787347)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,eoin

It didn't kill Donovan, he's still doin' the rounds! I hear he is on tour once again. Fair play to him.

19 Sep 02 - 07:26 AM (#787371)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Rob

one good tune deserves another.

tune before you play.

If music be the food of love play on.Give me excess of it.

many strings make harp work.

To many bodrans spoils the session.

One singer does not make a session.

bodrans rush in where guitarist fear to play.

19 Sep 02 - 08:50 AM (#787408)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: aussiebloke

A list, from which we can depart...

A good gig to have behind you...

We got away with that...


aussiebloke, with a tip 'o my hat to Tony.

19 Sep 02 - 09:06 AM (#787420)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Brian

Never throw a line to a droning man.

19 Sep 02 - 09:16 AM (#787427)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: HuwG

"Tune in haste, discord at leisure"

19 Sep 02 - 02:21 PM (#787599)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Bert

If you can't reach that high note, shout!

19 Sep 02 - 02:55 PM (#787623)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Clinton Hammond

"Never throw a line to a droning man."

I'm putting that one on a t-shirt!

It describes perfectly, my feeble attempts at singing harmony!



19 Sep 02 - 07:27 PM (#787839)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: Don Firth

Woody Guthrie's guitar. "This machine kills fascists."

Don Firth

20 Sep 02 - 04:46 PM (#788299)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Clansfolk

first rule of tuning - "It's always the first string that you altered that was in tune"

Banjo players don't worry - they just fret a lot!

20 Sep 02 - 07:38 PM (#788340)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,old bones

there are no wrong notes - only harmonies

20 Sep 02 - 07:56 PM (#788348)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: McGrath of Harlow

I know the heading says "proverbs" - but what the fella who started it seems to be after is cases where expressions arising from folk music (and sessions and so forth) are used or usable in the context of life in general.

For example "I can't seem to get in tune today."

(I liked the ambiguity in "This machine kills fascists" - it can mean it helps in the fight against fascists in the world, and also that it helps in the fight against fascism in the soul of the listener." Donovan's guitar just had "this machine kills." I rather suspect it started out as "kills fascists" but someone in the music industry thought that it might be too controversial, and censored it into total meaninglessness. I don't think Woody Guthrie would have put up with that. In fact I don't think Bob Dylan would either.)

20 Sep 02 - 11:20 PM (#788404)
Subject: RE: BS: folkie proverbs
From: momnopp

I'm fond of mixing my metaphors, thank you very much. So in my circle of friends, we can be heard to say,

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him dance."



23 Sep 08 - 08:43 PM (#2448581)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Jim Dixon


23 Sep 08 - 09:55 PM (#2448611)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Effsee

When the soles and heels are oot o' oor shoes, we'll be back on oor feet again!
A wonderful Caithness proverb.

24 Sep 08 - 06:02 AM (#2448791)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Bryn Pugh

I like the Ninth Beatitude :

Blessed are they who expect nowt, for they will never be disappointed.

24 Sep 08 - 02:19 PM (#2449097)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Big Al Whittle

Jerry garcia once said with regard to PA systems - either you eat the room, or the room eats you

John Williams said of guitar playing, electric guitar playing is about the way the note sustains - acoustic playing is about how the note dies......

24 Sep 08 - 04:10 PM (#2449192)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: CapriUni

Here are some traditional Irish proverbs:

There are two sides to every story, and twelve versions of every song
(and twenty-two exceptions to every rule of grammar!)

An end will come to the world, but love and music will last forever.

And, not strictly about music, but touching on the "folk process":

Drink comes before the story.

Travelers have tales to tell.

Fame is more enduring than life

24 Sep 08 - 04:51 PM (#2449219)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Aeola

I like the story about the guy who is asked at the folk club if he is going to perform and he asks if anyone has a guitar!

25 Sep 08 - 02:37 AM (#2449459)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,Volgadon

Hava nagila, have two.

25 Sep 08 - 03:15 AM (#2449472)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Big Al Whittle

'the guest has donated a rare unsigned copy of his album for the raffle......'

25 Sep 08 - 03:19 AM (#2449473)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Gurney

Apposite to the title only:
"There's nowt so queer as folk!"
Yorkshire proverb. It doesn't mean what you may think it means.

"Shall we join hands and contact the living?" To a quiet audience.

"Did you all come in the same taxi?"   To a small audience.

"We might be pissed, be we are going to listen, aren't we, children!"
Dave4Guild, towards the end of the evening.

25 Sep 08 - 03:55 AM (#2449483)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Oldguit

I don't know much about them, they started playing, so I started charging.

Oldguit Arr.

25 Sep 08 - 04:46 AM (#2449507)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Oldguit

Your pay's in the mild barrel.

If you can bring enough in, I'll waive the room rent.

Oldguit Arr

25 Sep 08 - 06:02 AM (#2449540)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Oldguit

I can't believe how these are all coming back to me.

Why don't you use one of them little triangle fingies. (plectrum)

Three musicians and a drummer. (so unfair)

Why do you play for next to nothing. (percs said I)

OldGuit Arr

25 Sep 08 - 06:43 AM (#2449556)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Gene Burton


25 Sep 08 - 07:24 AM (#2449581)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: MikeofNorthumbria

Folk musicians play a lot of World Cup gigs - when the action's over, all you get is three tenners.


25 Sep 08 - 12:08 PM (#2449925)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: Big Al Whittle

The Derek Brimstone classic, quiet audiences are all right.....unless they're moving towards you.

26 Sep 08 - 12:08 PM (#2450920)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs

If at first you can't clear the room - Get a banjo in

26 Sep 08 - 01:32 PM (#2450993)
Subject: RE: folkie proverbs
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego

I heard the line, "When we finally get this thing in tune, we ought to have it welded" from the Kingston Trio on an old 'live' album back in the 1960's. I heard Travis Edmonson, of Bud & Travis, use a similar line long before that. I'm sure some anonymous banjo picker probably used the same comment at a long forgotten Saturday night get-together somewhere in Appalachia. Point is, the "folk process" takes the accompanying stories, anecdotes and memories right along with the music, doesn't it?