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QUIZ: friends in high places PART II

16 Sep 02 - 02:07 PM (#785277)
Subject: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Second part, as I cant read long threads. Ten questions still to be answered: 1,3,6,7,10,13,14,15,16,17.
So the prize is still anybody's. Hope a nice person will connect this with part 1 with a clickie.

16 Sep 02 - 02:13 PM (#785283)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Amos

Part One is over here, folks.

The questions are:

Answers to this thread, as you get them. Person who posts the most correct answers gets the Lavish Prize. Not all the questions are musical, but the majority are.Two of the questions have the same answer (just to confuse you). And as we are dealing with folk-songs, please don't be annoyed if my versions are different from yours.

!) Look out for daredevils.
2) She came from there with her diminutive brother Isaac.
3) Highest in the land? You can say that again!.
4)Noted Clare concertina player.
5) Good viewpoint for two Clare resorts.
6) Aaron's sweet (afraid my spelling's none too good).
7)Cheering the king? For shame! Back to your maritime clean-up.
8) Historically inaccurate poet's Pacific look-out.
9) Home sweet home in Tennessee.
10)Funny (???) American, in Washington DC, originally Scottish borders.
11) Round the camp-fire, snow-covered.
12) Where Piers dreamed.
13) Eminent from Buffalo to Washington.
14) Southern, hot and smoky, or Cockney summoning Swann and Flanders's transport of delight?.
15)On an upward outing, someone forgot the boiled eggs, ham sandwiches and flasks of tea.
16) Doubly steep, by a doubly-levelled road. 17) Unloved medic.
18) Gay 1728 hit, from Greenland's coast to where?.
19) It was there, so George went there and stayed..
20) 24 km from Middlesborough(spelling?), and really the opposite of the rest of the quiz.


16 Sep 02 - 02:28 PM (#785288)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Thanks a lot Amos. I wish you would get a question right, your guesses are much too wild.Crossword-solving discipline is what is required here.Q3 is particularly suitable for an American who has grasped what the theme of the quiz is by looking at the answers so far; and then perhaps 13, particularly for anyone technically capable of typing a key-phrase into a little search-box.

16 Sep 02 - 02:46 PM (#785310)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Mary in Kentucky

3. Mr. Garfield's Been Shot Down, Shot Down...

13. White House Blues ???

2. Betsey's HUSBAND was IKE!

6. Should that be Erin's?

16 Sep 02 - 03:06 PM (#785319)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Mary: getting very close. But think of the answers to all the questions, they make a theme.
Q3:Garfield's high in one sense, but he doesnt fit the overall theme.

Q13: youve got to Whitehouse Blues, just go the last step.

Remember it says in the preamble that two questions have the same answer.

HUSBAND IKE: please note my remark about different versions of songs in my preamble.I say"brother".And I think I'm at one with Burl Ives and a few others on this(I havent looked itup, I speak from memory). It has been brother,husband and lover in my experience

"6 Should that Erin?" No, Aaron is correct. But you're on precisely the right track about the reference to spelling..

16 Sep 02 - 04:00 PM (#785361)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Mary in Kentucky

3. Rocky Mountain High, in Colorado...(repeat)

16 Sep 02 - 04:07 PM (#785369)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

No, Mary. What links the answers to all the questions(except 20)? And what is the highest in the land?

16 Sep 02 - 06:14 PM (#785490)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: The Walrus


Does 7) have anything to do with dressing ship overall and manning the yards? Or is theme wholey geographic and not purely altitude?


16 Sep 02 - 06:30 PM (#785500)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

No ships involved. Think of a very famous song in which someone expresses a little shame for cheering the king.No ships, but proximity to thesea ocmes into it. And altitude is certainly the overall theme.(Its the sort of song you're likely to hear 2 days after the Ides of March)

16 Sep 02 - 06:32 PM (#785503)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

McKinley's the highest in the land, and also a president for the repeat.


16 Sep 02 - 06:49 PM (#785517)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Mary in Kentucky

Maybe he's repeating Sweet Betsey. weak...

16 Sep 02 - 07:22 PM (#785549)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

10 is Chevy Chase - an American funny man, a suburb of Washington DC and a battle between Douglas and Percy in the Scottish borders - complete with ballad. I can't see where the mountain comes in, though - it's hilly country, but I can't find a hill called Chevy Chase - maybe I'm not looking hard enough.


16 Sep 02 - 07:28 PM (#785554)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

13 is McKinley again, in White House Blues.
Thanks Greg, for the brain exercise - more thinking than I've done in years!


16 Sep 02 - 07:29 PM (#785556)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

7) Mountains of Mourne (sweeping down to the sea)

16 Sep 02 - 07:51 PM (#785571)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Well,I'll accept Chevy Chase,but I would sort oflike the name of the hills that Chevy Chase isthe old name for, just for the full effect.(It's not one hill, it's the area).McKinley, Mountains of Mourne, are all correct of course.
5 left now I think. Come on, Noreen, still time for the late finish.

16 Sep 02 - 08:08 PM (#785585)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

Is 3) K2? :0)

16 Sep 02 - 08:09 PM (#785587)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

Is Chevy Chase the old name for Cheviot?


16 Sep 02 - 08:16 PM (#785591)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

Hah - I've just remembered a superb book I once read by Felice Benuzzi (I think) called No Picnic On Mount Kenya, about some Italiam POWs who escape from a prison camp just to climb it, then break back into prison. Hence its the answer to no 15.


16 Sep 02 - 08:18 PM (#785593)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

Could 17 be Mount Jekyll (possibly in Colorado near Keystone resort)?


16 Sep 02 - 08:32 PM (#785605)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

More clues needed, I'm afraid. Stuck with a Cockney hailing a bus for 14...

16 Sep 02 - 08:38 PM (#785609)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

O! O! O! Just read what I said.. not Mt Erebus? That's terrible....

16 Sep 02 - 08:42 PM (#785612)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

I think you nailed that one, Noreen


16 Sep 02 - 08:46 PM (#785615)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

3's already done,Noreen.It's Mt McKinley, as is 13. Mt Erebus is right for 14.haha, I was pleased with that one.Chevy Chase=The Cheviots. No Picnic on Mount kenya was right. Two left.Come on I want to go to bed. Doubly steep, with a two level road. Could doubly steep be steep steep? And an unloved medic. Medic =doctor. OK,finish it someone.

16 Sep 02 - 08:47 PM (#785616)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Mary in Kentucky

But what does McKinley have to do with say that again? And is there a song?

6. Aaron Boat Song

13. Erie Canal or Oh Canada(on top of US) or Rock Island Line lots of things

7. Proud Mary (high ;-) and washed a lot of plates in Memphis (home of Elvis)

16. Loch Lomond (high road and Low Road going UP to Scotland)

I better quit. ;-) I'll send Bourbon Balls to the winner!

16 Sep 02 - 08:52 PM (#785618)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

16: not quite LOCH lomond, though youve got to the song. Doubly steep is the answer, you need the words of the song. And I forgot, Aaron's sweet hasnt been done. How could o respell sweet?. The explanation for 3, Mary, is that Mt McKinley is the highest mountain in the land, and president McKinley was the highest man in the land.And it's the answer to 13 because that's who White House Blues is about.

16 Sep 02 - 09:04 PM (#785625)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

6) Appalachian (Spring) :0)

16 Sep 02 - 09:08 PM (#785632)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Snuffy

Appalachian Suite
Ben Lomond?

16 Sep 02 - 09:17 PM (#785638)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

Beat yer, Snuffy... yes, it's

On the steep, steep side of Ben Lomond.

16 Sep 02 - 09:20 PM (#785642)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Well, late flourish from our old friend Snuffy.Mary got as far as Loch lomond but Snuffy got the Ben. And I have to give Snuffy Appalchian Suite, even if you got Appalchian Spring first, Noreen. The clue demanded "Suite". The Suite was a reworking of the "Spring" material for a ballet, as I understand it. Either way, Appalachian is the answer. So it just leaves Q17: an unloved medic, which frankly I thought was the easiest clue. Shows how wrong you can be.

16 Sep 02 - 09:23 PM (#785645)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Well I'm confused by your "beat yer,Snuffy" Noreen, about ben Lomond. He beat you, didnt he?

16 Sep 02 - 09:25 PM (#785646)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

I thought that went without saying, as I wouldn't have got the answer but for the connection between Aaron and sweet/suite.

Ne'er mind, I'm off to bed. Thanks, greg.

16 Sep 02 - 09:31 PM (#785650)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Noreen

Well, brain was still working- I'd never heard of Shipman Mountain in Colorado before...

16 Sep 02 - 09:32 PM (#785652)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

OK Ill give you Appalchian Noreen.I think banjoRay wins, whoever gets the unloved medic.I'll count up and post the answers in the morning.

16 Sep 02 - 09:36 PM (#785656)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Blimey, Noreen. Shipman Mountain was a stunning Parthian shot as you swept up the wooden stairs. That'll have to be a bonus prize, what a brilliant answer. Creative computer searching But I've never heard of it, it's not what I'm looking for at all!!

16 Sep 02 - 09:39 PM (#785657)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Snuffy

I do not love thee, Doctor FELL?

16 Sep 02 - 09:43 PM (#785659)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Thank you Snuffy. congratulations.But wasnt Noreen's Shipman Mountain a clever find? I'm for bed.

17 Sep 02 - 05:10 AM (#785838)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Well, I thought this was finished, but now I come to add up to see who won, I've realised nobody has answered Question 1 correctly.So the final score will have to wait. Shouldnt take long. The question, to save anyone winding ack, is "Look out for daredvils". And give the answers are all mountains or similar, that shouldnt be beyond the wit of man. If you dont know the answer, computer searches are quite clever.

17 Sep 02 - 05:20 AM (#785844)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Nigel Parsons

typing 'daredevils' into gooogle gets an immediate hit for the "Ozark Mountain Daredevils"


17 Sep 02 - 05:22 AM (#785848)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Thank you, Nigel. Quiz closed.I will tot up the points.

17 Sep 02 - 06:39 AM (#785880)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

1) Ozark Mountain(Daredevils)
2)Pike(Betsy from)
3)Mt McKinley
4) (Noel) Hill
5) Cliffs of Duneen
6) Appalachian( Suite, Aaron Copeland)
7) Mountains of Mourne
8) Peak in Darien(Keats)
9) Rocky Top
10)Cheviots (Chevy Chase)
11) Old Smoky
12) Malvern Hills (Piers Plowman)
13) Mt McKinley (White House Blues)
14) Mt Erebus (southenmost volcano)
15) Mt Kenya (No picnic on)
16) Ben Lomond( steep steep sides, high/low road)
17) Fell (I do not love thee Doctor).Noreen submitted the even better answer Shipman Mountain, Colorado.
18) Over the hills (and far away)
19) Mt Everest (Mallory, because it was there)
20) Cumberland Gap

Questions correctly answered:
BanjoRay 8; Noreen 5; Snuffy 3; Mary in Kentucky 2; Walrus 2; GUEST Bman 1; Khandu 0.

Points awarded a bit arbitrary, lot ofteamwork and dead heats, but BanjoRay a clear winner.

17 Sep 02 - 06:42 AM (#785881)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Sorry. Forgot Nigel Parsons 1.

17 Sep 02 - 06:56 AM (#785888)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: BanjoRay

Thanks Greg - confession time. I was chairman of Doncaster Mountaineering club for 20 years - it definitely helped!


17 Sep 02 - 07:06 AM (#785894)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: greg stephens

Oh dear. You fall foul of Quiz Rule 23(A): no prizes to people from Yorkshire. Still, perhaps we'll make an exception for Sunny Donny.PM me your address.

17 Sep 02 - 07:38 PM (#786238)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: Snuffy

Are there a lot of mountains in Doncaster, then?

WassaiL! V

17 Sep 02 - 11:05 PM (#786366)
Subject: RE: QUIZ: friends in high places PART II
From: khandu

HA! I have just been informed by PM that I, and I alone, am the first ever recipient of the covet "People Incapable of Answering a Single Question, However Easy" (PIASQ,HE) Award!!!!

Guess that shows all you smartie guys a thing or two! Eat your hearts out, Mensa-bait! I got something you will never have!!

