It was a great NOMAD. My complaint is theat there is never enough time to all the workshops that called to me, but that of course is a sign of a good schedule. It was fun to have breakfast with bbc and Rick as well as the Beans and Jerry and Clarice and Suzanne and Geroge and Mary and Kathy (we kept the Diner busy). KathW's concert set was a high light for me as was Lorraine and Bennett Hammond's concert. Women's voices was really good too I know the singing of Mary LaMarca and Kathy Westra but Lynn Noel and Diane T. were new to me but wonderful singers as well. The Hobo set worked even without Kendall (Sandy Paton, Keith Baldwin and George Stephens), but he was sorely missed. Lots of folks stayed up to see them even though it was scheduled at 10. Guys smile was infectious even before I figured out he was a mudcatter. He just beamed in each group he was in, especially when Sandy and Caroline included him in their set. You should get let out more often, Guy. The set was wonderful as the Patons always are. I enjoyed the Stan Rogers workshop that the Beans led, too. I hope that Patricia (the organizers) retirement from NOMAD doesn't mean NOMAD will retire too. Does any one know? Anyway it was very fun. Good music, good singing, good people. I'm tired Lorraine