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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
sweetfire BS: el ted & similiar minded nutters (166* d) RE: BS: el ted & similiar minded nutters 23 Nov 03

Ok, this is gettin ridiculous. This a thread, not some sort of battle ground. Now can we all please just get a grip!
This is a BS Thread so to expect anything sort of down to earth/serious stuff then your already kiddin ya slf. But we should still keep it pleasant to read...yes, yes i know what some my earlier posts have been like!   
TC, obviously there is no one to stop you posting whatever you want, but your endless correcting and your endless wittering is gettin tiresome. C'mon, im sure there is something you could say that won't come across as gettin at us? And if there isn't, then why say anything at all? Oh hell, why don't we just start over TC? Of course if you have no intentions in makin some sort of truce then fair dues....

Wow, i think that has been my longest post ever!!!

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