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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,An English Patriot Who do you really hate! (80* d) RE: Who do you really hate! 27 Mar 04

I'm not saying patriotism = bigotry. ElGreco and Eric the Red are implying that. You can hate people for any number of reasons. I'll tell you who I hate, and she is just one of many. Valerie Wilmer. She use to be a jazz critic for the Melody Maker in the 70s -Hate never forgets! Her supercilious, superior, sanctimonious scribblings use to drive me to distraction. Everyone was a racist apart from her. This is someone who knew everything about jazz except how to enjoy it. Her school-marm tone was patronising beyond belief. Black people had to accept her agenda or were labeled, implicitly, not directly, as an Uncle Tom. The blues artist Roy Brown fell foul to this insult from her. Music, to her, was a branch of sociology that exists purely for political purposes. The fact that people make music for the love of it and for no other reason, escaped her completly. She was also a photographer and a mighty mediocre one at that. She is the sort of person who takes a high moral tone so that they can look down thier noses at others. I hate the fucking bitch. God, that feels better now that I have got it off my chest.

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