A Paternal Grandfather, Dr. James Franklin Clarke, went to Bulgaria in 1860 as a Congregationalist Missionary and spent his life ministering there. He and his Wife founded a Mission School to help educate the poor Bulgarian Children, which we are told is now the "American University" in Sophia, having survived nearly 70 years of persecution by Nazis and the Communist regime that followed them. His Son, James Cummings, continued in the Mission field until repression by Turks and Nazis forced all of the Missionaries to flee in the late 1930s. When he returned to the States, he brought a bunch of souveniers and relics that they had collected over the years, including a wooded "Triptyc", which is sort of an Icon with a pair of wooden shutters covering the central motif. When the shutters are opened, they reveal a picture of the Madonna and Christ Child, and the inside of the "doors" have several panels - sort of like a Sunday comic strip in a newspaper - depicting what I assume are various Saints doing various things. A couple of them, who we assume to be the Patron Saint of Bulgaria (St. George?) are on a horse; one is skewering a black snake on a spear (symbolic of the Devil, I assume) and on the other door he is spearing a strange headless little guy in a yellow jacket who is holding what looks like a badly damaged TV antennae in his hand. Now I know it's not the Cable guy, cause this thing has got to be about a hundred years old or so - but since I don't have a clue what that's all about, I wonder if anyone out there might? GGF used to ride all around the Mountains of Bulgaria looking after the Nomadic Shepherds and such up there, so it's anybody's guess what part of Bulgaria it came from. If we could post images here I would be glad to share a photo of it. It really is a pretty old thing.