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Tracey Dragonsfriend Missionary work in 'ull (24) RE: Missionary work in 'ull 03 Jun 04

I don't quite understand the concept of Big Brother... I'm meant to want to sit & watch some people I don't know sit around in a house and (as far as I can tell) talk rubbish. From the conversations I hear, people seem mostly interested in whether they'll have sex or not, and if so, in what peculiar combinations. Which seems a strange thing to televise, to poor little old-fashioned me.
I suppose it might have been interesting as an experiment in social dynamics, if the people they chose were halfway normal, but (again, as far as I can tell) they appear to pick a variety of nutcases, then reward them for behaving strangely. Which makes it hard to learn anything from it. I feel a bit sorry for these people, really, that they have such low self-esteem that this is what they want to do with their lives.
It's all very odd, and it seems to me that a visit to a folk club would be very much more rewarding...

But then again, maybe I'm missing some vitally important point about this show that's not yet apparent to me...?

Ah, well, such is life - full of oddness!

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