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Red and White Rabbit children's music at folk festivals (19) RE: children's music at folk festivals 03 Sep 04

I agree the distinction has to be made between children's and family events and main concerts My kids havent really grown up with folk music as I didnt start singing again until four years ago after a 20 year break but I expect them to behave in main concerts and they know what they can and cant do in concerts and singarounds. We took one of my daughters 6 year old friends with us to Warrick this year and my daughter told her the'rules' I didnt need to say a thing.

I always take books and crayons etc so that they have something to do if they dont like the concert and they do dance if they are allowed. I look at it this way they are the future and we need to encourage them and be tolerant and I think most people are.

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