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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Red and White Rabbit BS: Ramadan Mubarak (89* d) RE: BS: Ramadan Mubarak 19 Oct 04

I would guess the fireworks are to do with Diwali rather than ramadan though it may possibly be to do with some oiks of whatever belief deciding that setting them off whenever is fun!

During Ramadan good muslims are not allowed to eat between sunrise and sunset and they break their fast usually with dates as the first food. Children and the sick are excluded but many still observe the fast - we have children as young as 5 in our schoool who are fasting!

The money that would be spent on food during the day is collected and given to the mosque for distribution to the poor. Eid is a bit like our Xmas with lots of food parties and cards we usually recieve Eid presents and from the moslem staff that work with us
If memory serve me correctly it is because Mohammed (PBUH) like Moses had a period of time without food. Fasting at Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and you must do it to be considered a good moslem

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