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Lizzie in Sidmouth! 'twee voices' (87* d) RE: 'twee voices' 13 Nov 04

Hello Guys! So, I'm sitting here actually listening to sweet Cara Dillon, singing Black is the Colour.......well she sounds just brilliant to me,......very feminine, (is there anything wrong with that?)....gentle...soft....melodic.....young....clear...natural and expressive!

If she was singing like a Docker I'd be a bit worried! Girlies voices come in all shapes and sizes, just like us girlies ourselves.
There's plenty of room for everyone! AND she's married to Sam Lakeman!
What brilliant taste that girl's got!!

It's great to hear someone who actually takes you to a sweet place!
It seems to be a bit of a sin to be feminine nowadays, but quite frankly I'm a bit sick of 'in your face, girl power!' Just my personal opinion though! :-) :-)

So now I've switched and I'm listening to Kate Rusby singing Sir Eglamore! Kate was brilliant at Sidmouth this year, could have listened to a whole extra 2 hours!

She has a really distinctive voice, love her accent and find her voice very attractive and mellow. Love her humour and personality too. Now that she's breaking through those boxes though, she seems to be getting a lot of criticism! Just can't win sometimes! AND she married that lovely John McCusker!

And I agree with Peter above, Kathryn Roberts has another lovely voice, and is often overlooked AND, don't want to keep on about this.....she has also caught herself a Fabulous Lakeman Boy, this time Sean! :-)

So, I reckon the moral here is get yourself a gorgeous voice and land yourself a gorgeous fella!! :-) :-)


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