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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,DMcF 'twee voices' (87* d) RE: 'twee voices' 15 Nov 04

Reading this thread made my lunchbreak sizzle!
Such fire emerging from a thread concerning the 'meek' - gasp!
I even got a mention in there too
(Ta Strollin J! - must get you a pint when I gig down your neck of the woods again).

Don't give up scribbling Liz - always enjoyed your comments on the Beeb board.
Very conversational....It's been like getting to know you - like a character off Mrs Dale's!

I'll just pop an instrumental CD on - some Morris tunes perhaps, then no one can come into my office
and say 'Who's the twee sounding singer you've on?'

What I really wanted to do was start a thread to plug the forthcoming Swarb-Aid gig near here -
but what with the (as Harry Hill would shout...) FIGHT!!!! - I'll have to wait till later.
Warm hugs to all - Duncan
(Guest only as, once again, cookieless!
Curse this Education Authority Network!)

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