Thanks to Malcolm Douglas for some useful info. (thanks also to the current Mary Humphreys for her patience!). I started this thread because I am fascinated by the wax cylinder recordings of the historical Mary Humphreys (Frank Dineen's spelling). I think that she was a remarkably fine singer - and the recording, which juxtaposes a lyrical rendering of 'Bushes and Briars' with the rhythmic 'Tarry Trousers' emphasises her skill. Sadly (and frustratingly!) everyone whose attention I have drawn to this recording have tended to dismiss it by remarking that 'she sounds a bit posh' - end of story. Well, yes, her diction is certainly very clear and she may even have been putting on a bit of a posh voice to impress 'Rafe'but that doesn't mean that we should completely dismiss this important historical document and, as singers of English trad. songs, learn from it as we have learned from other old singers like Joseph Taylor.