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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill Nasty Nursery Rhymes (205* d) RE: Nasty Nursery Rhymes 08 Feb 05

Old one!

A funeral is a gay affair,
with friends and relatives everywhere.
They shut you up in a mahogany box
and cover you up with stones and rocks.

The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
the worms play pinocle on your snout.

Speaking of greasy, grimy gopher guts...

in the DT

Great, Green Gobs of Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts

Great, Green Gobs of Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts
(Tom Glazer)

CHO: Great, green gobs of greasy, grimy, gopher guts,
    Mutilated monkey meat, itty bitty birdie feet.
    Great, green gobs of greasy, grimy, gopher guts,
    And me without a spoon.

Some people eat hamburger meat while others like potatoes,
And some must chew their Irish stew along with ripe tomatoes.
I can't understand why in ev'ry land, they serve such peculiar dishes.
For wherever I go, they always say "No!" when I tell them what my wish is.
I scream for ... (Chorus)

I can pay my way in a French café which is big and quite expensive,
Where the diners dine and the wine is fine, but I'm always apprehensive.
When the menu comes, I twiddle my thumbs at the list of fancy dishes:
Caviar and steaks, champagne and cake, is never what my wish is.
I beg for ... (Chorus)

In the life to come, I intend to hum this hymn to old Saint Peter:
I won't need much, when my harp I touch, and become a heavenly eater.
I won't ask for money or milk and honey, and my voice will never falter
While the trumpets blare on the Golden Stair as I stand at the Shining Altar.
I yell for ... (Chorus)

(Tag:) And me without a spoon! Yuck!
copyright Tom Glazer

Love, Annamill

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