Dear all, Please help my quandary?? I have for a while played a Lowden 012C as some of you will have the dubious pleasure of knowing, which has one of the longest scale lengths in the book, unbeknownst to me a week ago, when I got to try a short scale (24 and3/4 ") and found I could play clearer, better, pain free and more accurately compared to my own beloved box. I have small ladylike fingers ( about the only bits of me that are) I feel a change of guitar coming on. I have been struggling unnecessarily. (Actually the very accomplished Julie Ellison said something which made me wonder about this.) So.......can you guys please suggest a good short scale guitar which isn't as small as a Parlour and is not too quiet ?? Maybe someone has one to sell? Answers on a mudcat please..... Ta! Eleanor C